Part 9

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"You should go home already" you say to Jisoo who wasn't ready to leave.

"But...i miss you so much!! When will you be discharged?" She asked pouting.
You show her a weak smile and say, "There's still time until i come back. But just wait for me" as you give her a tight hug and she finally leaves.

You sigh as you sit on your bed when you hear a familiar voice "Are you ok?"
You look up and see Jisung standing in front of you. You remember what Jungkook told you and feel betrayed. 
Deep down, you were hurt because you thought you were close to him and he genuinely wanted to be your friend.

"Get out" you say with a cold tone and he looked at you getting confused.
"I said get out!"  You say and he takes a few steps back getting surprised.
Before you could say it one more time, he turned around and slowly walked away.

You then wear a cardigan over your hospital costume and go outside for a walk to get some fresh air.
You walk for a while and stand near the railing to look at the river near the hospital. You didn't realize when your eyes filled with tears.

Who could it be...? Who would want to kill me? Did i do...something wrong?
You think and feel your heart getting heavy.  Suddenly someone came and started wiping your tears.
You turn to your side and look at Jungkook.

"You're back?" You ask.

"Hmm. I only go for like 10 minutes.."

Then both of you fall into a long pause of silence when you suddenly hug him tightly.
"What happened-

"Just stay like this" you cut him and cry on his shoulder. Without saying anything, he just hugs you back and pats your back to comfort you.

*few minutes later*

"Well you might be popular in college right?" you ask curiously.

"What makes you think so?"

"Well you're so handsome and tall-
You stop when you realize what you were saying. You just look down as you bite your lip getting embarrassed.
He chuckles and says, "Thank you. But i am not that popular"

"There are some girls who asked me out though" he said.

"Are you flexing?" You ask with a little smile.

"You can think of it that way"

"Oh? You ARE flexing!"

He just laughs and you say, "Some guys asked ME out too! Don't underestimate me. I am pretty popular too!"

"Oh really?" He said teasingly.

"Why? Is it a surprise!?" You say as he laughed and starting running away. You run as you follow him.

*Next morning*
You were going to find a nurse so she could redo your wounds like everyday when you slightly bump into a girl.
"Oh im sorry" you say as you turn to go your way when you notice you had seen her somewhere.

You then remember it was the same girl you saw in the hospital bathroom that day.

"Right now your health is more important"
That's what she said that day..
You said inside your head.

After you get your wounds done you look at the time and it was 10:43 am.
"God he will disappear soon!" You say as you wear a jacket over and run to find him before he goes.
When you go to his room, only his coma body was there. You then go outside and finally see him sitting on a bench.

He noticed you and waved at you with a bright smile. You wave back and quickly go towards him.
"Goodmorning!" You say as you sit beside him and he softly smiles at you. Right there your heart started beating faster and you cough awkwardly.

"Are you okay? You need water?" He asked and you nod your head as a no.

"D-Did you find something yesterday?" you ask.

"Not yet. I need to find evidence of that girl trying to kill you. I think then i'll stop disappearing"

You softly look at him and then ask, "it must be tiring right?"
He looked at you getting confused and you continue,
"You're doing all this because of me...I'm sorry"

He holds your hand softly and says, "Its completely ok. I am doing it because i have to"

You smile and were about to say thank you but he disappeared before you could. You sigh and just sit back on the bench.

"Thank you"

*at the highway road*
Jungkook was standing in the middle of the road when he saw a car coming at its full speed. He was about to run away but the car just went through him.

"Right..i completely forgot" he said as he looked around and saw a camera stuck to the tree. He looked at it carefully to see what all area it covers.
He then smiled widely and started finding the place where the camera room must be.

After searching for a while he saw a little building. He slowly walked inside and saw many workers and watchmen who seemed like they work around this area. He finally saw a little room with "Cctv" written on the door. He was about to just enter inside when he came back to the hospital.

Gosh i was almost there!

11:11 am | Jeon Jungkook | √Where stories live. Discover now