chapter five - savior

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Since your conversation with Hooni happened, the next few days seemed to go by rather quickly. There was little to no conversation between you and Hooni, and you felt bad for not trying to talk about the project.

However... today was the day. You slid on a coat over top of your skirt and blouse (you considered this to be formal attire, especially compared to the sweatpants and sweatshirts you wore at home). Stepping out, you felt the familiar spring breeze, and took in a fresh breath of air.

The café wasn't far from where you lived, so it wouldn't be that long of a walk for you. As you trotted down the streets, you went over the details in your mind...

The day after your first conversation, you quickly asked Hooni about a good time to meet up, and the two of you agreed to meet at around 1 P.M., while one of you waited at the door for the other. Once you were both there, you'd go inside and order some things to eat, and would occasionally talk about the project.

It was now that time, of course, and you decided to take a shortcut in order to get there a little faster.

This shortcut involved cutting through two short alleyways that were too open for anyone to gather in, and too small for anyone to care about who passes through. You turned to the left once you reached a certain point and bounded down the first alleyway, the breeze pushing your coat out a bit.

When you reached the second alleyway, you paused. You could hear multiple voices echoing throughout the area. The further you walked down the alleyway, the louder the voices got. They must be right on the other side... Right by the café. A twinge of worry hit you, so you approached the end with caution.

However, when you stepped out onto the sidewalk leading up to the café, what you saw shocked you rather than scared you. A group of boys were huddled around a small, helpless person on the ground. Kicking at him. You got closer, and to your disbelief, you watched as the person you presumed to be the one in charge spit onto the trembling, terrified boy below.

It was Hyun-ki, and as you stood in shock, he kicked the boy in the back, causing him to let out a small wail. You recognized the voice.


Rage began to boil in your blood. Somehow, you shoved one of the members out of the way and approached Hyun-ki, despite everything in you telling you to run away.


Hyun-ki glanced up at you, and his twisted smile faltered into an expression of fear. He had been caught. The fear left his eyes as quickly as it came, and a more relaxed look found its way onto his face.

"Please leave." He asked you, gently.

"NO. I'M NOT GOING TO." Your cheeks were flaring up as you felt the stares of the males around you, as well as Hyun-ki's icy gaze. When you glanced down at Hooni, he was still shivering, but was looking up at you with a small glimmer in his eyes. You locked eyes with Hyun-ki again, as you felt another burst of confidence spring up in you.

"Y/n, this is no business for a sweet girl like you to be in. Hooni was being awfully unkind to my friends and I, like he always has been. We just wanted to teach him a lesson." He was way too calm for a situation like this. His demeanor reminded you of a snake about to devour a poor little mouse.

"Th-There's no way Hooni would do something like that! H-He's far too kind..."

"Don't you remember what I told you? He isn't anything like how he seems on the outside. He said all sorts of things about us, and for what? We just couldn't put up with it any longer."

secret for the mad  - lee hoon x fem! readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin