chapter one - we've never even met

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You stepped off of the bus, a gentle ray of sunlight hitting your face as you walked towards the entrance of the school. The new green and faint warmth of spring was in the air. You walked among several other students, all with the same goal of getting through another day of classes, assignments, and drama.

Your name was Y/n L/n, a student known for quietness, decent grades, and fairly attractive looks. Those were the labels given to you, and you really didn't mind, because they were true... most of them, anyway. A gentle breeze drifted around your legs and arms as another student opened the door in front of you, the wind flowing in your direction. As always, you took the longer route, because someone was waiting there for you.

 Before you knew it, an excited girl rushed out from the corner, her eyes set on you. She waved a hand in the air and laughed when she stumbled a bit.

"Y/N!!!!" She shouted. It was none other than your friend Sora, a friend you've had since middle school.

"Ah... good morning, Sora!", You said with a slight smile. Sora always met you here after she drove to school.

"Did you remember to study? We have ANOTHER test today!" Sora groaned. She was always a daydreamer who never focused until there was little time left before the test. However, she at least studied hard when she finally forced herself to, and you admire that about her.

"Of course!... It's a lengthy one, so I made sure to do it thoroughly this time." Although you had studied as much as you could, you still felt nervous. What if there was something you didn't go over enough, and you wouldn't know what to answer? You tried your best to ignore it as the two of you entered into your classroom, taking your seats.

Waiting for you was your other friend, Ara. You all sat by her desk and chatted about your morning, and how late you all stayed up playing video games. Interrupting your conversation was a sudden, loud thud. All three of you looked over to see a sight that had sadly become more common than usual-- a student being harassed.

His name was Lee Hoon. Everyone called him Hooni.

"Geez, poor Hooni.. I wonder why he never defends himself or anything." Sora frowned.

"It's because he's too small and thin." Ara commented.

You had always felt bad for Hooni. He had the eyes of a small puppy who had been scolded too much. His clothes were torn and dirty sometimes, and he never stood up for himself. So many things have happened to him... Cornered in the hallway, head beaten against his desk, notes stuck on his back... But you were shy around boys, and Hooni always acted like he wanted to be alone.

Maybe, just maybe... If you had the courage to talk to him.. An opportunity... You would finally take the chance.


Another day, another hell. Hooni tried to hold his head low, with the small fragment of hope in his heart that today he would be spared... But he was wrong. They shoved him and laughed like they always did. He miserably sat down in his seat, reaching for his textbook with shaky arms.

Oh, great... This was the second test of the week, and it was only Tuesday. Of course he wasn't able to study much, and it wasn't like he cared about what his grades were. He rubbed his cheek with his hands, holding a pencil as the test was slowly handed out to the class.


Hooni's mind raced on how he was going to get to the next class as quickly as possible. He was so sucked into his thoughts, he was not paying attention to what his teacher was saying at all. It was only until he heard the word "partners" be spoken aloud did he finally snap back.

"Indeed... For your final semester test, you and a partner of choice will write a story based on the things we have learned this year. They will be picked tomorrow."

Hooni gulped, feeling dread in his stomach. A partner? Out of all of the things that could possibly happen today, this had to be the worst outcome. Everybody in his classes hated him. Perhaps they would just do all of the work without him? He sighed a bit, realizing it wouldn't be so bad if that's what happened.

The teacher's words faded back into nothing, and when the bell rang, Hooni quickly ran out to get to the next class, wincing at the laughter that echoed through the empty hallways.


Soon it was the end of the day, and you sighed to yourself. It had actually flown by a lot faster than you thought it would. You quickly put away some books into your locker, when a figure approached you from the side. You closed your locker door to be met by a tall, preppy boy.

His soft combed hair rested evenly on his side, and his blue eyes gazed down at you, a smile on his face. His name was Hyun-ki, and he was a boy you've had a crush on for a few months now. Your face instantly went aflame from how close he was.

"...Um... D-Do you need something?..." You said quietly, staring down at your feet.

"Oh! Sorry if I made you uncomfortable... I just wanted to say hello!" He replied, ending with a slight chuckle. 

This is what you liked about Hyun-ki so much. He always wanted to make sure people were comfortable. He was also friendly, and gave people the time they needed to respond. But he was so out of your league... He was much smarter than you, and was involved in several after school activities.

"Oh... Um... Hello, then!..." You finally spit out, trying to sound cheerful.

He patted your back and walked on by. Is that really all he wanted to say? That was way too awkward and long to have been such a simple hello. You shook your head a bit and slung your backpack over your shoulder, walking out of the building and to the bus.

As the bus dropped everyone off one by one, you looked out of the window and thought about the upcoming project. You hoped you would be able to pick one of your friends... Although Sora and Ara once talked about partnering up soon, whenever another project came around.

One more thing was on your mind; tonight you would be starting your first ever livestream! 


Hello everyone! If you're seeing this... Thank you for reading my fic! It's going to be a long, planned out story that I look forward to sharing. Stay tuned!

To answer your questions: Sora, Ara, and Hyun-ki are all just characters apart of THIS story! Their designs are up to your interpretation. 

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