chapter three - when i looked into your eyes

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Same routine, same time, same everything...

You rubbed your eyes as the bus sped by buildings, trees becoming green blurs and the people roaming the streets blending into one another. You knew very well it was a bad idea to stay up so late playing games... But it was fun, and you just couldn't say no to such a great time.

Today, you'd be choosing your partner for your end-of-the year literary project. Your mind was currently thinking about two you'd pick-- Sora and Ara weren't included, you already knew they would be partners. It would have to be someone else in the class.

A small idea suddenly arose... What about Hyun-ki? Oh dear, it would be so hard to ask him for that. You'd have to have a lot of nerve to approach such a popular, powerful student like that.

Sora joined you as you walked down the hallway, smiling at you.

"Heya Y/n! I hope this doesn't make you upset or anything, buuut..."

"You and Ara are going to be partners, right?..." You turned your head to look at her, noticing her surprised expression.

"Y-Yeah! That's exactly it, actually..." She looked towards the ground at her shoes. "You don't mind, do ya?..."

"Of course not, it's been a while since the two of you worked on something together. I'll find someone..." You gave her a small smile.

"If you say so, Y/n..." Sora and you walked into the classroom, and Sora went to talk to Ara about ideas they had for the project.

There wasn't much you could do, so you sat at your desk and doodled on a spare piece of paper, waiting for the bell to ring so you could finally get the day started. When it did, you respectively put your things away and gave (at least half of) your attention to the teacher.

"Well, as you all remember, yesterday I mentioned that we would be picking our partners for the end-of-the-semester project today. I will go over the details of the project, and then I will allow you to filter among yourselves and decide who is working with who."

Basically, like the teacher had mentioned the day prior as well, the project could be anything as long as it was in the format of something the class had learned that year. It could be several kinds of poems, memoirs, and even in a letter format. The catch is that it had to be at least two pages long. That seemed easy enough...

You were so caught up in listening that you didn't even realize people were picking partners. You looked around the room...

Sora and Ara were together as you had predicted, and Hyun-ki was talking to one of his friends over in the corner where he always sat. You scolded yourself, you should've thought of another option besides him! It eventually came to your realization that... Everyone in your class had a partner. Would you have to join a group to make three?-

Suddenly, there was a small tap on your shoulder. You turned around and made eye contact with...

Lee Hoon.


The classmates in the room filed out to find their partners so quickly, Hooni swore that it looked like a giant, multicolored blur. At least nobody was focused on him anymore...

However, there was a greater problem at hand. Hooni would have to find a partner somehow. He glanced around, and to his side, he saw someone looking around the room in the same way he was. Gulping, he rose up from his seat and lightly tapped their  shoulder.

"Um... Hey... we uh... we have to be-" He was cut off as you turned around. When he saw you, his heart skipped a beat.

He saw your soft, H/c hair, your glistening E/c eyes, and your lips as they formed into a slight smile. There was no doubt about it... You were the person he saw and fell in love with yesterday. Skitz18.

"Ohh... I-I guess we're the only ones left..." She sat back down, still facing him. "I don't really mind... I-If we're partners, I mean..."

Hooni stared for a moment longer in shock. Why were they being this kind to him? He looked over their shoulder at her friends to see if they were watching, or laughing at him.

But no. Sora and Ara were talking. None of the class was paying attention. This was... strange. He sat back down as well, waiting for you to say something. There was no way he would be starting this awkward conversation first.

"Well... Uh... I-I'm Y/n..." She held out her hand to shake and looked down towards the ground in embarrassment. Hooni's heartbeat quickened. He would get all red if he touched her, but he couldn't say no to a simple greeting!... After hesitating, he looked to the side as well, holding her hand and shaking it a little. He immediately let go after.

"...I'm Hooni..."

"Nice to meet you, Hooni..." Her smile widened a bit more, as the introductions helped her feel a bit more comfortable.

"...You don't have to talk if you d-don't want to, I have an idea in mind..." When they said this, Hooni nodded a little, giving Y/n... not much of an answer.

"U-Unless you have an idea and you want to talk!!--" She quickly corrected. Hooni actually opened his mouth to say something, but then the bell rang. Both of them sighed, but Y/n quickly tore out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it, handing it to Hooni.

"This is my number! W-We can talk about it tonight!--.." She shouted while grabbing their things. "S-See you!--"

Hooni watched her exit the room and followed out soon after.



Soon enough, the end of the school day came around, and you walked to your locker as usual. And there to greet you again was none other than Hyun-ki.

You had a feeling that you would see him again, so you felt a little more confident this time when he arrived. When you closed the locker door, you smiled up at him a little, and he smiled back.

"Hey there, Y/n. Who'd you get as a partner today?" He began walking with you as you made your trip to the school doors, where you would get on the bus. You were blushing a little, but didn't mind how he looked.

"Uhm... I got Lee Hoon." You said quietly.

"Oh dear!" He exclaimed. "Poor you. You'll probably end up having to do the project all on your own... I don't think he'll help you any."

"H-He didn't seem that bad..." You admitted. Though Hooni was a very shy one, the boy shook your hand and was fairly polite towards you. He seemed kind enough, so you didn't mind working with him.

"If you insist..." He replied, a bit of disgust in his voice. "But I would be careful, Y/n. He might mooch off of you in order to get a good grade for himself. Trashy grades usually lead to a trashy person, and I wouldn't want something like that happening to you!" He said worriedly.

Although what he said was a little harsh, you put two and two together and thought that it was simply his way of learning, considering he had perfect grades and a perfect reputation for several years in a row. That, and the thought of him worrying about you... Your heart fluttered a little.

"It looks like we're here!" He was suddenly all smiles again, as he opened the door for you. "Quickly, I think the bus is leaving!"

You hurried out, waving goodbye to Hyun-ki as you quickly stepped onto the bus before it departed.

When you sat down, you felt a small buzz in your backpack. It was from your phone. You pulled it out from it's respective pocket and turned it on. A notification of a text message from a random number was on your screen. It read...

"Hello? This is Lee Hoon."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the long chapter! Hopefully the long wait was worth it. I will be going back to fix some POV/pronoun/grammar mistakes, so you may notice some changes throughout all chapters. Other than that, thank you for reading!

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