Chapter 21. The day before

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It was morning and we were waiting u till Ed changed guard with other day shift guard. I and Envy talked while Ed was out waiting.

~[Y/N]? Now when i think about it weren't Mustang blind? When we saw him at hospital i'm sure he was blind because Pride used him as sacrifice.

~Hmmm now that you mention it. How come we didn't find out sooner??


*footsteps coming Closer*

~Well we probably won't ask him anytime soon. Only if by some miracle Mustang would show himself now.

As soon as i answered Envy, i heard voice near me.

~What would you like to ask me?

I freezed totally nervous as i looked behind myself.

~And why you won't be able to ask me anytime soon?

Envy and i looked at each other totally nervous.

~W-well we wanted to ask

~Ask what?

~When we last saw you in hospital you were blind. Right? How come you can see again?

I managed to hide my nervousenes and asked him.

~Well homucullus left behind 2 philosopher's stones so i used them to get back my eyesight and even to heal Havoc's legs.

Mustang told with glare at Envy.

~And why you wouldn't be able to ask me if i wasn't here by some miracle?

I became nervous again.


Envy told

~She is the type of person that will forget what she wanted to do. She don't exactly remember what she was doing 5 minutes ago. And i'm not holding things like this in my mind either.

~Uh that explains everything.

Then Ed asked Mustang

~And why are you here today?

~Well guard who was supposed to be here today is ill so i'm taking his place. But night guard will be the same as usuall.

~Uh-um. Okey.


I and Envy were again playing games while talking. Mustang peeked through bars to see what were we doing. Envy noticed him and look at me.

~Well looks like our guard would like to play with us.

Grin appeared on his face and i smiled.

~What is so funny you two? I would like you to shut up.

~He probably heard you Envy.

I smiled as well as Envy.

~I have a bet for you.

~Oh really [Y/N]? Give it here.

~If i win you will let us laugh as much as we want if i lose we will shut up.

I said with grin on my face and Envy waz laughing all out.

~Okey i'm taking this bet!

Mustang happily stated. 5 minutes later he had depressed expression because he lost and i with Envy were laughing our asses out.

~He started like boss and now look at his depressed face Hahahahahaha

I told.

~Yeah he is totally out. He shouldn't bet with you in this game Hahahahaha

Envy was laughing even more then i was. We played a tic-tac-toe and Envy knows better then anyone that i am unbeatable. I was undefeated winner and poor Mustang thought he would defeat me. Now he knows it's impossible and not to play this game with me anymore. He lost 5-0 against me. After about hour we finally stopped laughing and our faces we all red from laughter and tears. With this much fun time passed really fast. Soon we realised that it was almost time for guard change. Completely out of blue Mustang came closer to cell and looked at both of us through bars.

~It was kinda fun.

Then he glared at Envy.

~Even with you it was fun. Now i have smaller desire to burn you alive.

Mustang grinned and then he changed positions with night guard. I and Envy looked at each other and i was kinda scared for Envy's life.

~Mustang can for sure be scary.

~I don't wanna admit it but yes. Just the memory of the time he almost killed me made me freeze. It really hurt so fucking much.

~Yeah i know it must've hurt so fucking much. And remember he burned my hand to ashes, you at least regenerated at that time. But still it's terrible.

~Well yes i regenerated but he burned me over and over.

~I know that's why i'm sorry. I'm happy that we are locked in here instead of  instead of your death. I would probably die from sadness.

~Yeah i know.

Envy said so sweetly and then he kissed me and we stayed in hug close to each other. From next moment we started to whisper.

~[Y/N] you know what we have to do now right?

~Yeah. We are escaping. But we need at least some kind of plan.

~Yeah. I know. Main problem is guard. Escaping wouldn't be problem. I was thinking about slicing his throat but that would be problematic to get close to him.

~Well then, i will be the one who will get close because i exactly know how am i gonna do that but there is one difference.

~Let me guess. You won't kill him right?

~You know me all too well. But yes i won't kill him. For now it would be best because if we would, Mustang would kill us both if he get us and Ed would be probably pissed off too. If we don't they wouldn't be that furious.

~Pipsqueak wouldn't be furious but it's true that Mustang would be pissed off enough to burn us alive. So i agree [Y/N]. And what will we do next?

~When i knock him down you would shape-shift into that soldier and i would shape-shift to something else. Best if i would shape-shift into some small animal. Maybe mouse?

~That should work. I would prefer to see you as cat but i know cat is too big for this action. And i have one condition [Y/N].

~Huh? Condition? At time like this? Tell me what that condition is.

~You will never leave my side okey?

~Okey. That's a promise.

I smiled and both of us kissed.

~And now let's realize our plan.

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