Chapter 1. Beginning

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I'm 17 years old girl and second youngest state alchemist and only women as state alchemist. I have really interesting alchemy, similiar to Roy Mustang i just need only to snap my fingers. I have gloves with transmutation circle on them and when i snap my fingers i can easily create little blue lightning bolt and i can shot it anywere in range 10 meters. My name as state alchemist is Flash alchemist.

I was talking with my friend Maes Hughes. He was very friendly and talkative. Today he asked me to go with him visit Elrick brothers. I wanted to see youngest alchemist in history on my own eyes.

~Huhes? Can i ask you why are we before hospital?

~Well that's where Fullmetal alchemist Edward Elrick is.

~Oh did they fight? What happened, why is he here?

~Well he was fighting with that Ishvalan serial killer. We gave him nickname Scar. And then there was a little incident at 5th laboratory. And that's why we are here. He said that there were homunculli.

I was surprised to hear word ,,homuncullus,,. As fellow alchemist i know that they can't be created and here Elric's said they saw them. Both of us walked in hospital and found room where Edward was. When i came in, there was blond haired girl next to little blond haired guy.

~[Y/N] this is Fullmetal alchemist Edward Elrick.

I look at him and then i told.

~Eeeeh? This is him? He is so tiny.

As i said that i noticed that he seems kinda mad.

~Sorry i didn't mean to make you mad.

He then became quiet and all of us started to talk about what happened.

I couldn't believe it. Homunculli, their powers and regenerating. It's just weird. Then we were talking little more and after about 20 minutes i went away along with Huges.

~I think i should research these homuculli. Will you help me [Y/N]?

I looked at him.

~Yeah sure.

Time skip to headquarters.

I and Huges were researching and then Huges told me to come to him. I came and wonder what he wants to show me.

~[Y/N] look here. Do you know what this is?

Huges asked me as he pointed at map of Amestris.

~I-it is.... Transmutating circle! And it's arould all Amestris!

I said and then i heard Huges say.

~I was thinking about homuncully about research of philosoper stone and about 5th Laboratory and also about Lior. And somehow i get to this. i mapped every conflict and this is what it comes from this.

I and Huges looked at each other when i sudenlly heard some voice behind us that started to talk. It was women's voice.

~Well, Well. Looks like you found out our plans.

Women said as she used her nails as spears to attack Huges and me. She grinned and then Huges threw knife in her head. He grabbed me by hand and both of us ran out. He wanted to call to Mustang but remembered that in this  have to be someone with high position in military. He went to outside link and started to call and when he finally reached Mustang's phone someone was behind him. It was Maria Ross. She was pointing gun on Huges head. I wanted to put my gloves on but then she said.

~Not so fast. If you'll move i will kill him.

I stopped moving and i hear her talking to Huges. Huges then said that she isn't Maria Ross because she got birthmark on her face. I looked closer to see that Huges is correct. She then smiled and told.

~Yeah you got me.

Then she shifted into other form which was boy. It was really homuncullus. He look at him and then grinned.

~I'll turn into someone else then.

That guy said and he changed into...Gracia?!

~Oh no that's not good.

I thought and then i wanted to slowly put my glove on. But that guy looked at me with murderous look. Then he grinned at Huges and after that he shot. I was watching as Huges dead body was falling on ground. I then shouted and ran right to that guy as he changed back to his original form. I put on glove and told with murderous look.

~I'll kill you!!

I hear only his laughter and then i saw as he put phone back to normal and cut off Mustang. I then started to fight with that guy. I snapped fingers and small blue flash got out right to that guy's face. He fell down and then with grin he stood up.

~You think this can stop me?

He told me. I looked at him while he was regenerating. I was standing like stone not daring to move. He then changed into Huges and i couldn't snap my fingers. I can't hurt Huges. I knew it's not him but....i still couldn't. He walked towards me and with one hit i started to fall on ground. He stood upon me and looked me in eyes. I stared back at his purple ones.

~They are so beautifull.

I thought and then i realized what i just  thought.

~What the hell am i thinking?! He just killed Huges how can i think he have beautifull eyes? What's wrong with me?!

I thought and he then grabbed me by my hand and took of my glove. He took every single weapon i had and threw them away. Then he looked back at me and told.

~You are an alchemist right?

He said and i nodded. I don't know why but i was somehow calmer.

~Well from now on you are my prisoner. We will need you and you know too much so i have no choice but to take you with me. And also- I am Envy.

He told me and i totally freezed.

~Me? His prisoner? What the hell?

I thought and then i told.

~I am [Y/N].

He look at me and gave me cheeky smile.

~Well that's.. good to know ... [Y/N].

I was still freezed and didn't understand why did i told him my name. Then i felt as he tied my hands and slung me over his shoulder. I started to feel dizzy and then i blacked out. Next thing i knew was that i was locked in small room with no windows and with my hands in chains.

[A/N] Hi guys, well this is first chapter of a story. Feel free to coment vote or whatever you want and be ready for next chapter. For now enjoy this chapter and see ya in next one. Autor-chan <3

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