Chapter 6. Catastrophe

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Envy's POV

When Fullmetal pipsquweak took [Y/N] away i decided to follow them.

~ She knows too important things and i can't let them know. Not right now. I will kill her if it will be needed. But i would reather not. She is important.

I can see as they walked in building so i took form of some soldier and went inside as well. I'm kinda following them and i heard that [Y/N] is unconscious. Than they took her into hospital so i followed them there as well. She had opened window. It was great because i could hide under outside parapet and i would hear everything.

Your POV

I slowly opened my eyes and realized what happened. I looked around me to see Ed near my bed. When he realised  that i'm awake he started to ask me questions.

~How are you? Do you feel good?

~Yeah only my wrist hurts a little, but i'm okey.

~Oh that's great. I want and need to ask you something.

~What is it?

~You and Huges found something. Something important right?

I stayed quite for while and thought. Then i answeared.

~Yeah. Huges found something. But i didn't have time to find out what it was because some women attacked us. She transformed her nails into spears and shot Huges with them. I imediatelly wanted to attack but i didn't have my gloves. Without them i'm useless. At least Huges shot her but she didn't mind it at all. She just healed. Huges and i ran away but she wasn't following. He wanted to call to Col. Mustang but he didn't want to use links inside and told me that central is in danger. He then went out and tried to call Mustang from outside but someone was there and shot him. Than that person knocked me downn and i woke up in room chained. And i still don't know where it was. I'm sorry that i'm not much of help to you. I'm really sorry.

~Uhm. Don't worry [Y/N]. It isn't your fault that Huges died. And we will find  which homuncullus did it.

I looked at him and nodded. Then Ed walked away to Mustang to tell him what happened. I laid in bed and thought.

~I'm really sorry that i lied to you. I don't want to tell you that Envy is the one who did that. I don't want him to get hurt. I promised that i won't escape. At least i won't tell anybody. But still. They took me away and that's as if i escaped. So at least i won't tell them what Envy doesn't want them to know.

I then sudenlly heard someone shouting.

~There is someone suspictious, get him!

Some oficers were shouting as they ran around my window. I stayed in hospital for 2 more days. Ed and Col. Mustang always went to see me. After 2 days i was about to get away from hospital when i saw Col. Mustang come in my hospital room.

~Hey [Y/N]. I decided that it would be best if you would go with me.

~Ehm go where?

~To my place. Your place isn't safe now. They will be after you again.

~I can protect myself when i have my gloves. And in home there's lot of them.

~Well that's truth but still there's possiblity you won't get them in time so please go with me.

I stayed in place and thought.

~What am i going to do? Should i go with him? Even if i refuse he will make guards stay always near me and i don't want that.

~Fine i will go with you but i want my things from home.

~Of course. Let's go.

I nod and both of us went away. When i was home i took few pairs of gloves and some things for drawing. Then i came to Col. Mustangs place. He let me sleep in his bed while he was on couch. He then came to me.

~What do you want to eat?

~I don't care. Choose what you want.

~Okey. And call me Roy while we aren't in work.

~O-okey. R-roy.

He prepared some food. It wasn't as good as Envy's but stil edible. It was about 2 weeks i was in Col. Mustang's place and i draw a lot cuse out of boredom. Today in work he called me and told me.

~Ah Flash alchemist you are finally here. I have some news. We captured one of the homunculli. It was hard battle but we've got him. Please come to this place as soon as possible. You should be able to help. Come to XXX XX XXX.~


I cut call, grabbed my things for drawing that i had along and went to my car. I was all nervous. While driving i was speeding all the way.

~I hope Envy is okey. I hope it's not him.

As i thought about that i went even faster. In no time i was at place. I come there and saw Col. Mustang.

~What happened? Where is he?


Ed and Mustang pointed at small fat thing tied up like ball.

~It's Gluttony.

I thought. Than i heard someone sob. I found out that it's Lan Fan and she got her arm ripped off. Col. Mustang was asking if you know something about him but before i had time to answear Gluttony was able to get away from his restrains. He went berserk and attacked Col. Mustang. All of us ran out. I put on my glove and smacked my fingers to attack Gluttony but he ate it.


~Yeah and not only that. HE EVEN ATE MY FLAMES!

I looked surprised as i hear someone in bushes. I went there ready to snap my fingers.  I went closer and closer and i was ready to attack. But then i saw some dog like animal. I calmed down a little but then it started to trasform. I saw as it trasformed into someome i knew. When both of us saw each other both of us kinda started to stare at each other and i gave up on using my weapons. Then suddenly Ed attacked him.

~What are you doing [Y/N]! He's enemy! 

~Sorry i just- 

~Hey hey stop it. I didn't came here to fight. I just came for this guy. Looks like he's going berserk.  

Envy stated and i looked at gluttony. He was shouting something about Mustang killing Lust and that he wants to eat him for that. Ed ran to help Al and i
stayed with Envy.

~You know [Y/N] that you are going with me. Right?

Envy told and then he joined fight. In no time i saw as Gluttony is about to attack and i saw Envy and Ed in there. I want them to get away so i jumped there and then Gluttony swallowed all of us.

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