"Woodz, no, please, stop! I'm not angry at you anymore, and in a way, I'm also to blame. But I'm not going anywhere with you," I replied firmly.

I wanted to leave, but he stopped me by grabbing my elbow. Was it just my imagination, or was history repeating itself? I turned and looked up at him.

"Woodz, it hurts," I said.

He let go of my elbow, but he spoke again.

"Yoohyeon, give me a chance. I want to make things right," he pleaded.

"Let's not start over. Your actions have shown me who you really are, and I don't want to go back. I'm sorry," I said, and without waiting for his response, I walked into the classroom. The bell had already rung. It was time for my biochemistry class, but my mind was still burdened with unnecessary thoughts and torment.

As I looked at the board, I realized it was dirty. I had been warned about it, but we didn't have assigned duties, so I would have to take care of it myself.

A couple of minutes later, Miss Minji entered the classroom. After surveying the room, she fixed her eyes disapprovingly on the blackboard. Unaware of what awaited me, I entered the classroom in a hurry. Quite literally, I stumbled through the door, managing to regain my balance just in time.

Half of my classmates didn't notice the embarrassing situation I stumbled into. Some were too busy, glued to their phones, while others were dozing off. But of course, Miss Minji noticed it all. A mischievous grin appeared on her face, and she found the situation amusing. I couldn't help but feel an intense wave of embarrassment, causing my cheeks to turn red. She continued to look at me, and then her gaze shifted to my hand as I started erasing the old notes from the board.

"Thinking about you, Kim Yoohyeon, and here you are," Miss Minji said with a playful sparkle in her eyes and a sly smile.

"Thinking about her?" Woodz blurted out my thoughts.

"Of course, how could it be otherwise? I walk into the classroom, find the board dirty, and the class representative is absent. And then, like magic, she appears," Miss Minji replied.

I quickly took my seat, feeling captivated by her voice. I could listen to her endlessly. And that look, does she really look at everyone that way? I understood that she was somewhat teasing me, but strangely, I didn't mind. I even found it somewhat endearing. But why was I the one receiving her attention? Enough, Kim Yoohyeon, enough! You're fabricating so many things in your head, and then you suffer. It means nothing. You're just the class representative.

Soon, I realized that my thoughts had distracted me, and I hadn't fully engaged with the task at hand. I managed to jot down everything quickly, but without truly comprehending it. Miss Minji looked at me with a grin and a hint of surprise.

"Kim Yoohyeon, I assigned the task of redrawing the Krebs cycle. Are you even listening? Or am I lecturing to myself?" she scolded me.

I lowered my gaze to my notebook and began rewriting the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It was truly embarrassing. I was so preoccupied with her presence. She probably thought I was some kind of crazy student. I sensed her amusement, but I wasn't offended. I simply yearned to catch every glance, every smile, and feel her warmth. Stop! Am I going completely mad? Feeling her warmth? Craving her smiles?

The bell rang. How did the class go by so quickly? My thoughts were interfering with my ability to absorb the material. Or were my thoughts the problem? Enough. She was just a teacher, and I was just a student. Nothing more.

Just as I was about to approach Miss Minji, Woodz appeared at her table. What on earth did he want? I handed over my grade book, and that's when Woodz began his speech.

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