9: Diaz Family Vacation.

Start from the beginning

Ew...  You think.

"Ahem!" Marco says.

"Oh, hello, kids!" Mr. Diaz says.

"Happy anniversary, you guys!" Marco says, holding out a small gift box.

"Ooh!" Marco's parents say.

*Mr. Diaz opens the box, and Mrs. Diaz takes out two red and light-green fanny packs.*

"Wow, Marco! More... fanny packs!" Mrs. Diaz says.

"Okay, I know you guys are non-believers..." Marco says, lifting up his hoodie to reveal a blue fanny pack.

"...But these are way cooler than last year's. They have everything you need, like a dilemma whistle, non-drowsy antihistamine, and a space blanket made for two!" Marco says, unfolding the space blanket, which reveals an austronaut bear in space.

(Wait... If it's only for two people... Where does the Reader go when that dragon breathes fire? Oh well lets just say its made for two adults, so three teenagers can fit under it.) (Probably makes no sense lol.)

"Oh, yes, you know how much we love to travel and see the sights." Mr. Diaz says. You start to feel bad.

"Oh, Marco, you put so much thought into this. Gifts are such a great way to show how much you really care about someone. I didn't think it was possible to love you more than I do right now." Mrs. Diaz says, Star and you now both looking distressed.

"MmmmmmmmmmMMMMM...! And I'm giving you a trip to Mewni!" Star says.

*You then realize that you're the only person without a gift, and start panicking.*

"We're going to Mewni!" Mr. and Mrs. Diaz exclaim happily. You now feel sick.

*Then an idea pops into your head.*

"And i will make a cake for you when we're back!" You say, glad you came up with something. 

"Uh, we can use our new fanny packs!" Marco says.

*Mr. Diaz hugs Star and Mrs. Diaz and jumps up and down.*

"We go now, right?' Mr. Diaz says.

"Right now?" Mrs. Diaz asks.

"I want to go right now!" Mr. Diaz says.

"Can we go right now?!" Mrs. Diaz asks.

*You all arrive on Mewni through a portal.*

"Welcome to Mewni!" Star says, and Marco's parents start taking photos.

"Is this where you grew up?" Mrs. Diaz asks Star.

"No-ho-ho. I live there" Star says, pointing to a big castle.

"Ooh!" Mr. and Mrs. Diaz say.

"Oh. Higher." Star says.

"Ooooh!!" Mr. and Mrs. Diaz say, looking higher to see a bigger castle. 

"Higher!" Star says. 

"Ooooooh!!!" Mr. and Mrs. Diaz say, looking higher to see an even bigger castle, Butterfly Castle.

"Let's go there." Mrs. Diaz says.

"Aw, you don't wanna see that lame, cheesy, touristy stuff. What you want is the real Mewni experience." Star says.

(Time skip brought to you by some weird things happening on the market, and a nearly run-in with King River.)

"Oh, don't read too much into the name. Hurry up!" Star says, as you enter the Forest Of Certain Death.

Shooting for a Star. (Star x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now