Chapter 2: A new beginning

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Sienna looked at the skyscraper that was towering above her. Apartment 112, that would be hers. The building looked incredibly modern, yet had some vintage touches to it. She dragged her heavy suitcase to the elevator and pushed the button with the number 11 on it. The front of the elevator was made of glass, which allowed her to see the city of Seoul pass by with every level she went up. The sun was about to set, which gave her an even more beautiful view. As she got out of the elevator, the girl took a deep breath. Her hands were shaking. She knew she was about to meet her roommate. In this apartment complex, you could get a single room, or you could choose to share it with someone. Due to her limited amount of money, Sienna chose for the second option. She prayed that she would be paired with another girl. Because of what her ex had done to her, she practically felt uncomfortable with all men.

She eventually found her apartment number and managed to open the door with her shaking hands. As she stepped foot in the hallway of her new home, it seemed awfully quiet. Sienna took off her thin jacket and hung it on the coatrack that was just behind the front door. She walked a bit further into the apartment, into the living room. There was a large corner seat and tv on one side. One of the first things Sienna spotted was the Playstation 5 that was standing on a desk beside the tv. Her roommate seemed to be a gamer too. That got the girl excited. At least they would have something to bond over. On the other side of the room was a small kitchen and round table with four chairs to have dinner at. So far, everything looked good. The place was clean and even smelled nice. They had a great view of the city below them from their living room window. Sienna let go of her suitcase to admire the view. After a while, she went back into the hallway, where there were two rooms, one at either side. The door on the left had 'JK' written on it with what looked like black paint. She opened the door opposite to it, knowing this was supposed to be hers. At the end of the room stood a queen sized bed with so many pillows, one could drown themselves in it. Sienna let herself drop onto the soft mattress with a big smile on her face. For a second, she felt like all her worries had disappeared. She looked over to the other side of the room to see a small desk, which was perfect for when she wanted to draw or paint. Next to the desk was a big, wooden wardrobe. Sienna couldn't wait to unpack. The last thing there was to see in her room was her own personal bathroom. It was quite small, but contained a toilet and a shower. Everything she needed was there.

After admiring her room for what felt like hours, Sienna decided to go back into the living room again to see if she could finally meet her roommate. Yet, there was still no one to be seen. She had knocked on the door with JK on it, but there had been no response. So, the girl decided to sit down on the couch for a while and watch some tv. Her roommate would show her/himself eventually.

About half an hour later, when the sun already had completely set and Sienna was beginning to crave dinner, a door opened. She immediately sat up straight on the couch, ready to greet whoever might come her way. From the room on the left, a tall boy walked into the living room. Sienna's mouth parted. She didn't particularly have any good experiences with boys, causing her  to not like them in general, but damn. This one was beautiful. He wore a black t-shirt with black sweatpants. It was a really simple outfit, yet the boy could make it look hot. His shirt revealed a fully tattooed right arm and seemed to hold on for its dear life as it tightly hugged his muscular upper body. He was roughly drying his wet hair with a towel when his eyes met Sienna's. The boy immediately stopped moving and looked around awkwardly, before saying. "Uh, who are you?"

Sienna found herself going red from the eye contact and tried to hide her red cheeks by standing up and bowing politely. "My name is Sienna Park. I'll be your roommate from now on. Let's be friends!" She held out her hand, waiting for the boy to shake it, and smiled brightly. "Whatever," was the guy's only reaction before turning on his heels and walking back into his room. Sienna's eye twitched as she heard the door lock behind him.

"LeT's bE fRIenDs," she mocked herself softly, before walking to the kitchen and making herself some food. She let out a sigh. Maybe it was for the better, she thought. If that guy didn't like her, then she wouldn't have to struggle with her traumas because he would keep his distance anyway. Sienna groaned as she opened the fridge, only to find it almost empty. She found one pack of beef and decided to eat that with a bit of rice, which she had found in one of the cupboards. She decided to cook two portions of rice. The guy would have to come out of his room sooner or later to eat some food, so she might as well leave some for him.

Sienna decided to eat her dinner on the couch while watching one of her favorite shows on Netflix. She felt very conflicted. She kind of wanted that mysterious roommate of hers to like her, for they would be living together for the next three months. Yet on the other hand, being so close to a boy scared her. After eating, the fatigue from her travels kicked in. So, Sienna decided to rest her head on the couch's soft cushions and closed her eyes. "Just for a little while," she whispered, before she drifted off into sleep.

The 20 year old found herself waking up as soon as the sun had risen above the city of Seoul. She stretched her arms far above her head and let out a big yawn. She looked at her watch. It was 8:30 am. She pushed away the fluffy blanket she was under and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Hold on a second, she thought, looking at the blanket. 'There was nothing covering me when I went to sleep.' She tilted her head to figure out whether she had forgotten the fact that she picked it up the night before. But she was certain, she didn't. She looked at the door with JK on it. "Could he have..?" She looked over at the kitchen. The leftover rice and beef were gone, meaning the boy did come out of his room when she was asleep.

From where Sienna was sitting, she could see the boy's bedroom door was left slightly open. So, the girl decided to take a chance. She would knock and maybe have a proper conversation. She didn't even know his name yet. As she walked closer to his room, she could softly hear piano music. She slowly pushed his door open. The boy's room was dark. The curtains had been closed, creating an eerie atmosphere, which gave Sienna goosebumps. The walls were a shade of dark blue and were decorated with paintings and other kinds of art. On the right side of the room stood the piano and there he sat. His broad back facing the girl, who was being mesmerized by his melody. Being mesmerized and all, Sienna accidentally lost her balance and landed with her back against the door, causing a loud noise. The boy's fingers came to a rest as he had been disturbed. He slowly looked over his shoulder, with a dark gaze in his eyes. "Why are you in my room?" His voice was low and stern.

The look in his eyes made Sienna uncomfortable. She quickly apologized "I'm sorry, uh, your door was open and I-" he interrupted her "When a door is open, does it necessarily mean you're allowed to enter?" The boy stood up and walked closer to Sienna. With every step he took, their height difference became more prominent. "N-No, but-" "Then why did you invade my privacy without asking me first." His voice was calm, but Sienna could tell he was obviously annoyed. As he kept taking steps towards her, she decided to take steps away from him. But as she backed up, her back soon bumped into her closed bedroom door. Her breathing became heavier as she noticed the boy hadn't stopped approaching her. She was afraid what he was going to do to her. She tried to get her breathing back on track as she remembered all the therapies she'd had to help her get rid of this trauma. She stretched out her arm and put it against the boy's hard chest. He looked at it, but luckily didn't resist. "That's close enough, dude," Sienna said. It took a lot of courage to stand up to him instead of curling up in a ball and crying.

The boy grinned "Seems like you don't like to have your privacy invaded either." Sienna looked him in his dark brown eyes. She forced a smile on her face and said "Okay, I get your point. I'm sorry I entered without asking. Your door was open and I got curious. I mean, I don't even know your name"

"My name.. is Jeon Jungkook."

Angels and Demons (Ongoing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon