Buying popcorn and soda, they quickly went to the room where the performance would be held. Miraculously they arrived on time, so with a sigh of relief they sat in their respective places and waited for the function to begin.


They were both leaving the room, Yejin still had the popcorn pot while Hae In had his soda in hand. A slight cold made the woman's back feel chills, her boyfriend realizing that kindly offered her his coat.

"The movie was very good and the ending is very sad, I thought the woman was going to kill herself."

"That was a nice twist, but the most surprising thing is that Elder Kim was communicating with Jane and since he took a risk in the end, I cannot deny that the main character's thoughts developed well, although we cannot take credit from his brother-in-law. he pushed him to all that and you know, darling, in life you have to be kind, it may be that the one who saves your life is someone you helped. "

"You're absolutely right, but if you think about it, the boy must have been very scared, you saw how the man was full of blood, it is normal that he did not trust the woman."

"A point in your favor, although it was not a reason to leave the girl, the lady did not insist that they take her, she only wanted them to take her daughter and the man I do not think was infected, since the symptoms appear quickly and if he had been bitten in that scene he would be attacking his family. "

The couple continued to discuss the film all the way to Hae In's apartment, when they arrived Yejin ran to the sofa throwing himself on it while spinning in his same place, her boyfriend when he saw her joined her, only he sat down on the floor in front of the sofa.

"Let's watch a movie." She nodded immediately.

He looked for the remote control so he turned on the television by putting Netflix and looking for a movie to see both, this time a different type than the one they saw in the cinema, this time it would be a romance one.

Seeing the many movies they could choose from, they decided to check out one of Yejin's favorite American cinema, Me Before You.

The movie proceeded normally, Hae In was now lying on the couch with Yejin on top of him as they watched the movie, smiles on both of their faces. A certain moment was when she raised her gaze and they looked at each other, their smiles grew even more, the woman approached him giving him a slight peak on the lips, to which he accepted with naturalness.

Yejin settled himself a bit by moving his hips, inciting him to something more indirectly. His hands lowered to her waist and her arms wrapped around his neck tightening even more. They parted slightly with ragged breaths, but quickly that distance was broken and they began a kiss with a little more passion.

Hae In sat with Yejin on her lap while the kiss intensified, they gave each other light bites, these bites generated pleasure in both which would be an extra for what could possibly happen in a few minutes.

The woman's hands passed under his shirt walking across his chest, he walked his hands down the back of the female, his mouth kisses passed to kisses on the face. Suddenly his hand went into her shirt and they reached the point of unbuttoning the bra she was wearing.

Hae In's kisses went down to the woman's neck, with it his hands went to unbutton her shirt. His neck kisses fell to her breasts, the hit of reality came when he heard her slight moan. He quickly broke away upon realizing what he was about to do.

"I am sorry." He apologized looking away nervously.

She just lowered her gaze with some discomfort, buttoning her bra again.

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