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"I sent you out to sell as many cubes as you could in twenty-four hours

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"I sent you out to sell as many cubes as you could in twenty-four hours. And look at you, you've made a right hash of it, haven't you," The Ponds are watching the Apprentice, The Doctor is sat in between Amy and Rory on their sofa and Willow is on the floor between Amy's legs, her hair's in a loose braid from where Amy as playing with it and Alexandra is in Willow's lap as they watch "Well, Craig, you're fired,"

"If I had a restaurant, this'd be all I'd serve," The Doctor says as both Amy and Rory dip fish fingers into the large bowl of custard The Doctor was holding.

"Yeah, right. You running a restaurant," Amy laughs

"She makes a good point," Willow laughs, dipping her own fish finger into the bowl, usually it'd be disgusting, but I seemed to calm her stomach.

"I've run restaurants. Who do you think invented the Yorkshire pudding?"

"You didn't," Rory doesn't believe him

"Pudding, yet savoury. Sound familiar?" Rory's eyes widen and him and Amy look at each other, holding back large laughs.


Later in the day, Willow is outside in the garden, laying back in an armchair when Amy comes outside "Hey," she greets.

Willow looks up "Hi," Amy gestures to the door "The Doctor's occupied with the Wii, do you want to...?'

"Yeah, yeah thanks," Willow gets up and the two sneak into the house, Alexandra is helping Rory dry the washing up and in the living room, The Doctor is far too distracted by the TV. The two enter the TARDIS and Amy is led to the medbay.

"I'm not actually sure how this is going to work," Willow admits as her and Amy look around the bay "Any help dear?" she looks up at the TARDIS and a small scanner in the corner lights up "thank you," Willow goes and steps behind a large glass screen, and instructions pop up, she turns around to face the scanner.

"That is weird," Amy says and Willow laughs slightly as a green beam hits her face

"When the results pop up, can you um, tell me what it says please?"

"Of course," Amy walks over to a small computer when it says 'scanning in progress', slowly, the imagine of Willow's silhouette appears and there's two beeps "It's done,"


"Twins," Amy reads "You've got twins,"

"Oh my god," Willow looks at her mother, torn between shock and happiness "The sexes?"

"It can't tell yet, it says..." Amy trails off, clicking some boots "Sex known in 4 weeks, currently 16 weeks pregnant,".

"Okay...okay," Willow smiles "I - I don't know how to tell him,"

MEMORIES OF A BROKEN GIRL | {3rd - Stars Themselves Series}Where stories live. Discover now