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What am I doing . I should I be here , in this dreatful state or should i be happy like the rest of the wolfs like my sister my mother but here i am in front of the wisards hut . The place where you go to find desparte things or future wars and your future mates . Thats why im here right to find my soulmate or my destiny.

I walk to this oak door and open his door there he is on the floor with his orb in front of him . Like his waiting for me or has seen me coming . His maroon colored hat with gold design and a gold and blue gown.his hut us very intersting and in . He is one of the oldest people in the pack , he has lost his vision due to the alpha because he was always qestioning aurthority and stuck up rude and many more. So the alpha decided it was best if he couldnt see any more and made a joke about it infront of the pack.He might be blind but not dumb.

"Ahh Eleonora you finally came to me "he said

i replied with "I had no choice but to come to the great almighty" with a sarcastic voice.

He just turned and laughed at me . "Come sit"

I did as told and sat on his pillowd floor around the orb. "Shall we get started?" I just nooded my head.

Before i could ask a question the orb glowed and the wizared put his hand on the orb and it glowed brighter , his blind eyes turned white and his left hand moved like crazy . The glow of the orb dimed down after a few seconds but the wizared eyes staued white. Finally i get to find who's my mate or destiny but his next words shock me

" there will be a destiny where buy a man with a dark and broken soul standing in a forest looking lost but smart as they come , to powerful for any man and wolf but not for a destned one . She will fall in love with his broken soul but she will to be destend with a cruel one. The legendary war of love."

Ohh.  no

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