Stella & The Slumber Party

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"Not me, I had no choice. It was already decided before I even met him. But when I did I was happy with the man I'd been paired with." Mrs. Ashford says eating the slice of marble cake.

"Are you nervous?" My mother asks.

I chuckle, "Somewhat."

"Don't worry, Julius cares about you so much. I know he's always been the player type but you've changed him." Mrs. Ashford says with a smile.

I snort, "Yeah he's a lot different now." It came out sounding more sarcastic than anticipated.

Mrs. Ashford laughs, "I mean it, he never stops talking about you."

"He's even working with your father to change his mind about you leaving the company. Your father won't stop complaining to me about it." My mother adds.

I quirk my brow, "He what?" I ask.

Mrs. Ashford nods, "Yes he said you wanted to be a part of the company's leadership team. Why is that?" She asks.

"What do you mean? I've been working for the company for years, my goal is the top." I ask in confusion.

She nods, "Exactly why? When you have the opportunity to be rich and do nothing. Why work?"

My mother laughs, "Stella has always been an overachiever, it's her in her nature to work. She can't do nothing."

I nod, "I simply don't like not being useful. So what is it that Julius is telling dad?" I ask them.

My mother shakes her head, "We've said enough, you should ask your fiancé."

I pout as I pick up another slice of cake.


After cake testing, I was finally free to go home. It was Friday evening and the night was only beginning. I didn't have plans of course, as I was already exhausted from the day I just had. But the thought of snacks and a movie sounded incredible, with maybe some alcohol to calm my nerves. Sheila had her dinner date so I'd be by myself tonight.

I get into the condo and as expected, it was empty. Julius had been busy lately so I wasn't surprised. I throw my shoes off and carry them to my bedroom to go get changed. I dress in something more comfortable, before grabbing some things from my bedroom and entering the living room.

I decided a little self-care was very much needed for this Friday night. I brought out face masks, nail polish, and wine before turning on Netflix. I pull out some cookies while relaxing bare-faced with my bun on my head.

The Princess Diaries played on the TV as I painted my toenails white and wore a pore strip on my nose. I felt very relaxed as I ate my snacks and watched the movies.

An hour into the movie the front door opens, and Julius enters the condo with his briefcase in hand. "Hey." I greet softly as I sip some wine.

He sighs, "Hey."

I quirk my brow at him, "What's wrong with you?" I ask.

He shakes his head as he begins walking toward his room, "I'm just exhausted." He looks over at me, "You look rather relaxed."

I nod, "Care to join me? I'm having a self-care night." I say raising my glass of wine.

His mouth turns up into a smile as he chuckles, "Alright, let me get changed."

He comes back soon after in a wife beater and basketball shorts before taking a seat on the couch next to me. "What's first?" He asks.

I pick up a face mask bottle from the table, "Face masks. Go wash your face first." I instruct him.

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