Missing Legacy

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There's a man I've been looking for for 15 years,
Don't know what he looked like,
All I have is little specks of his life,
I dont know what he's like, what his dreams were, what his fears were,
All I have is his name and his fate.
My maternal grandad,
Seemingly erased from time,
The missing legacy.

He's the missing piece of the family,
The 1 grandparent I never got to meet,
Potentially the key to unlock one side of my family's past,
But all I have are the thinnest threads,
And not knowing which to pull.
The past has been lost,
Erased into the sands of space time,
Never to be seen again, at least not in person.

Somewhere, in the south of Wales,
He's still there, if souls exist,
Maybe that's where he is,
Where he will stay for the rest of reality.
He passed in 1990,
Maybe he's now in heaven,
Looking down on his 3 daughters,
And his granddaughter, looking for him and his past.
Honestly, I don't know,
Time will claim all, the second death will claim all,
But I wanna at least know his life,
Who he was,
And what to learn from him,
Uncover his missing legacy.

Ultimately, we will be erased from this world,
In death and in the death of our memory,
As nothing lasts forever.
Even humanity will eventually end,
Either split in 2 or wiped out.
So maybe we should just appreciate this time,
A time where the future is open to us,
And the past is still traceable, and we can still learn from it.
I'm not sure exactly what we can do,
But try to keep the past alive,
It's in our souls, it's in our blood,
And even though it may appear dead,
It's still alive, to some extent,
In the hopes, dreams and fears of the present,
And the glimpses of the future.
Well, I hope I find my maternal grandad,
Find his fate, find what he did.
I'm not sure what will happen,
But I don't want his life,
To just be a missing legacy,
Like all of humanity.

('Let go of the past, but keep the lessons it taught you.' Chiara Gizzi)

DUSK - A Poetry Collection (#6)Where stories live. Discover now