Damn it, clearly no one in this office knows this beautiful thing called personal space.

"Lucía, you're here!! I wanted to read the article one more time before you sent it off. Did you get a name?" Andrew said, his tone serious but his facial expression very playful.

"You'll have to see for yourself; I emailed it to you this morning." I replied, laughing at him.

He rushed to his office and disappeared for a while. As he was gone, I got comfortable at my desk and forwarded the email to Chloe and she gave me a thumbs up.

*you have received an email from: Andrew_jones@gmail.com*

"holy shit!! how did I not know this?? This is insane. When did you find out? I hope you're okay. Are you sure you want to post this?"

I typed up a reply then sent it off.

"Andrew, it's okay. I found out a couple months ago but I wasn't sure. It was confirmed like two weeks ago. Yes we can post it, Romeo said that it's okay and people are going to find out soon anyways. I appreciate your concern though."

Once I finished up my work and responded to some emails, I headed home. It was only 11 so I decided to call Grace.

"You have reached the voicemail of Grace , don't leave a message: it's not 1993."

Then a cough interrupted the supposed beep that should've followed her message.

"You may have fooled your family, Grace, but you will never fool me. I'm gonna pull up to your house in 20 mins and if you aren't out there waiting for me, I'm gonna honk my horn and shout: Get in loser, we're going shopping."

"Where are we going 'cause I know we aren't going shopping?"

"I'm buying lunch."

"See you in 20. Bye now."

I grinned to myself then hung up. I changed into a cute skirt and threw on a crew neck to compliment it.

I grabbed my necklace, the only thing I had from my real mother. My abuela gave it to me, and inside was a picture of her and my mother.

"So I can have mis amores watching over me today." I whispered, pressing a kiss to the locket.

I pulled on my white AirForces then left the house with my phone, keys and wallet in my hand.

Sure enough, Grace was waiting for me outside her apartment looking gorgeous in her flared jeans and a crop top.

Spotting me, she opened the door and got into the car. Once she was comfortable, I drove her to a restaurant that my father owned.

"La Cucina Di Madre Cortez. What does that mean?" Grace asked as we stepped out the car.

"Mama Cortez's Kitchen." I said, hopeful that my Nonna wouldn't be inside or recognise me. I wanted to pay for the food and I had never met her before.

We walked in and one of the hosts showed us to a small booth. He handed us menus and we skimmed through them before deciding what to eat.

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