An accident

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(Sapnaps 9 yeah Ik I went up a year. Sush >:[ )

<Skeppys POV>

"bye bad! See you later be safe!" I smiled before closing the door. Sapnap was spinning in circles "Ok! Dads gone what are we doing today?" I questioned Sapnap has he was washing his bowl. "Ms.Puffy offered to let me hang out with Dream and George!" I nodded in agreement which made him run to his room change and ran back downstairs.

I packed a few snacks just in case then we were off "Same place as always?" I asked sap and he nodded. I watched Sapnap run ahead and jump spin leaving a small bit of fire on the ground.


When we got there Dream and George basically kidnapped Sapnap and I walked over to puffy and we exchanged hellos before sitting on the bench.

George and Sapnap were chasing Dream like normal while me and Puffy were talking "Yeah Bad went to the neither leaving the little fire ball with me." I smiled making Puffy laugh "I just had to babysit George like normal."

I turned my attention back to the three boys to see George on the ground beside Sapnap and Dream running to us holding two horns "SAPNAPS HORNS THEY-" I got off the bench and ran to Sapnap picking him up. George stood up wiping the blood onto the sides of his pants "I'm so sorry I have to go." I frowned while I started walking almost running while holding Sapnap.


When we got the hospital Sapnap didn't have to get surgery or anything which was a bonus "SAPPY! MY POOR MUFFIN! ARE YOU OK?" Bad ran into the room hugging Sapnap who was sitting up on the hospital bed while I sat in a chair "Dad I'm fineee! I'm ok!" Sapnap smiled while Bad placed a kiss on his head

"Wow... no kisses for the Skeppy." I rolled my eyes laughing a bit "hm... no." Sapnap started laughing after Bad said that.

"Hi Sapnap how are y- " Puffy got pushed out of the way by Dream who ran and hugged attack Sapnap with a George following behind "SAP IM SO SORRY!" Dream was still hugging Sapnap "Dream it's ok really!" Sapnap smiled at him

George was now standing beside Puffy holding a bandana looking thing "George what are you holding?" I asked him "O-oh... I thought it would help sappy not feel so insecure about his horns missing." He handed it to me and I smiled "Thank you George."

Puffy Dream and George left after a few hours and me and Bad stayed at the hospital not sure if Sap could come home or not. The doctor walked in and told us Sapnap could come home.


When we got home I put the bandana on Saps forehead like George said it was for and Sapnap smiled "Now I'll forget my horns ever existed!" Sapnap sounded happy and little fire sparked off his shoulders, Bad put the fire out immediately

Later that night we watched a movie of Sappys pick. Karl was here too. For unknown reasons bad was very clingy to me tonight but I sorta don't mind.

Karl and Sapnap went to bed after the movie finished and Bad still was cuddling me on the couch "Baaaadddd why are you clingy tonight?" I asked him which made him stare at the ground his arms still around me "Uh... because... I uh almost got killed in the neither"

"BAD! WHAT THE HECK! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I shouted on accident Bad kissed my cheek knowing it would calm me down and explained everything "Oh.." I didn't move anymore or struggle to escape, knowing bad felt safe right now is all that I care about.

"Pops..? Why did you yell?" Sap came downstairs "Oh! Sorry Sappy I was kinda shocked about something." Sapnap nodded ok and went back upstairs to where Karl still was.

I looked at Bad cause he was quite and didn't say love you or anything to Sapnap before he left. To my surprise he was asleep "Good night Badboyhalo." I softly say before planting a kiss on his forehead and placed a blanket on him before going upstairs to our shared room and plopping onto the bed and falling asleep.

(JESUS- WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR ME TO FINISH WRITING THIS-? I hope you enjoyed the story! :) -Blueberristark)

A Demon and A human(?) [Dadboyhalo] Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu