Chapter 9

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A year had passed since Dallas; Zak and Angie were finally, officially together again, they were engaged, finally; however Angie and Alex were living in their own apartment, near Zak’s house.   6 months after Dallas, Zak had officially made Angie a member of Ghost Adventures.    Angie loved traveling with him and the guys, but hated having to leave Alex behind in Las Vegas.    Alex didn’t mind, because she got to spend that time with Zak’s Mother.

And now Angie and the rest of the GAC Crew were in Norway, planning to lockdown inside a haunted church.    The reports showed that this church only seemed to show paranormal activity during weddings, and then only if the bride or groom wasn’t truly in love with their fiancé.

The reports included people being: pushed, shoved, voices, screams, and people being scratched.    The scratching seemed to happen to with ever one of the couple being married had been unfaithful during their engagement.    And these reports went back for centuries.    It was the perfect lockdown location.

What Angie didn’t know that Zak had a huge surprise in mind for this lockdown.    Joining GAC for this lockdown was going to be Bishop James Long, who was joining them at Zak’s request, as part of Zak’s surprise.

On lockdown night, the team had been there for about 5 hours already, the sun would be coming up soon and Angie suggested that perhaps they start packing up their gear.    Zak agreed but wanted to investigate the main chapel once more, and insisted that Angie go with him.

They made their way into the chapel, and Angie was surprised to find it lit up by candle light.    She was also surprised to find the whole crew, including Bishop Long, and even Zak’s Sister and her family, along with his Mother and Alex waiting for them.   “Zak what’s going on?”

Zak smiled a devilish grin and took hold of her hand.   He then walked towards where Bishop Long was standing, leading Angie to follow him.   “Zak, what’s going on?  Why is everyone here?  Why is your family here?  Why is Alex here?”

Zak stopped walking and turned to look at Angie.    “Ang, honey, I love you so much, I always have.”

“I know” Angie said, still wondering what was going on.

“This Chapel has another secret, one I didn’t tell you about.”

“Zak” Angie said, slight fear in her voice, as they’d promised each other from now on, no more secrets.   “You promised no more secrets.”

“I know.   The spirit that haunts this chapel projects their wrath onto those not truly in love or who have been unfaithful during their engagement….but they seem to bless those couples who are truly in love and who have been faithful….”

“Zak….” Angie began.

“Marry me.”

Angie began laughing softly.   “Zak, you already asked me that and I said yes.”

Zak chuckled.   “I mean let’s get married, right now.”

“Here?”  Angie said, looking around.   Zak nodded his head.

“Mommy” little Alex said.   “Nanna says you need to say yes.”

Zak started chuckling.  “Thanks Grandma” he said softly.   Then he looked at Angie.  “Well?”    In response Angie nodded her head.    “Yes?”

“Yes” Angie said.   “I don’t want to leave here unless I’m your wife.”   Zak’s response was to pull her close and begin to passionately kiss her.

Bishop Long cleared his throat, causing Zak to break off the kiss and look at him.    “I haven’t gotten to that part yet Zak” the Bishop said.   “In fact we haven’t even started yet.”

“Oh yeah, right” Zak said, taking a step back away from Angie.    Everyone laughed while Angie blushed; even Zak was blushing a little.

“Zak’s asked me to make this short, so I’ll get right to the point” Bishop Long said.   “Do you Zachary take Angie to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do” Zak answered.

“And do you Angie take Zachary to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do” Angie answered.

Bishop Long looked at Zak.  “Zak, do you have rings?”

A look of panic crossed Zak’s face as he began digging around in all of his pants pockets.   Angie began to look nervous, and everyone else just started laughing.   Then Nick stood up and walked over to Zak.    He pulled two golden rings out of his pocket and handed them to Zak.

“Here bro” Nick said.  “I knew you’d forget so I grabbed them.”

Zak sighed with relief as he took the rings from Nick.   “Thanks man” he said.   Nick walked back over to where he’d been sitting, and then Bishop Long began again.

“Alright Zak, place her ring on her finger and say your vows.”

“I promise I will always love you” Zak said, placing Angie’s wedding ring on her finger.   “I promise I will never hurt you, ever again.   You or Alex….”

“And you promise to never be a jerk ever again” his Sister called out.  

Zak shot his Sister a look, that well, if looks could kill, she’d have died right then and there; while everyone else busted out laughing.    “And I promise to never been a jerk ever again.”

Bishop Long handed Angie her ring to give to Zak.    “Now Angie, say your vows while placing Zak’s ring on his finger.”

“I love you Zak, I have from the moment I first met you.   I promise to always love you, and to always be there for you.”

“Then by the power invested in me, and in front of God and all these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife” Bishop Long said.    Everyone stood up and started clapping while Zak simply pulled Angie close and kissed her.

“Looks like the church ghost approves” Aaron said.    “Otherwise according to the legends, she’d have stopped the wedding by now.”

Zak finally broke off the kiss and smiled at his new wife.   “I can’t believe you set this all up” Angie said.   “Is this place even haunted?”

“Oh yeah, the reports of paranormal activity are true” Zak answered.    Then he smiled that cocky grin of his.   “As for planning all of this, what can I say, I’m just that good.”  

All of the guys started coughing and clearing their throats while his Mother and Sister rolled their eyes.   “Okay, okay, I had some help setting this all up.”

Then Zak smirked and his eyes twinkled with a devilish twinkle.    “But this isn’t the only surprise I’ve got planned for us.”

“Oh?”  Angie responded.

“I planned our wedding night.”   Zak tells her.

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