Chapter 8

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Three months later, Angie was still, naturally, upset and shaken over what had happened with John.     And she was unsure of letting Zak into her heart once more.     Since rescuing her from John, Zak had been nothing but supportive, kind, caring, and despite how badly he wanted her, hadn’t once pushed or even brought up the subject of them getting back together.

Angie would sit and watch Zak playing with Alex, and would see how his and her eyes would light up with happiness.    And this impressed Angie greatly, as the Zak she remembered from four years ago, did not seem to be the type of man who was interested in being a Father.     When she mentioned that to him, Zak simply told her that four years ago, he didn’t think he was ready to be a Father.

At Zak’s house, he was more nervous than he’d ever been on any lockdown….Angie had suggested that they have dinner together.    Like a teenage girl, Zak had been pulling clothes out of his closet and dresser drawers, trying them on and then rejecting the outfit, would toss it aside.    

Zak hadn’t needed help from anyone in picking out something to wear since he was probably 12 years old, but he was so nervous his hands were actually shaking.    Out of desperation, he called his Mother and his Sister and begged them to come over and help.

As the two women walked into his bedroom, they were shocked to see clothes thrown everywhere.   “Zachary?”  His Mother called out.   

Zak came out of the master bathroom, wearing his boxers.   “Mom, Sis, thank God you’re here.   I need help!”

“Clearly” his Sister commented, gesturing to the mess he’d made.

“Bite me” Zak snapped at her.

“Both of you knock it off” their Mother sighed.

“I need help finding something to wear” Zak explained to his Mother.

“Didn’t have any problem getting the Zak Fin ready” his Sister remarked, causing Zak to glare at her.    Then she started laughing.   “I’m just teasing, I’ll help, because I like Angie, always have.”    Then she and their Mother walked over to some of the shirts that had been thrown to the floor and began looking through them.

“I like her too” their Mother said.

“So don’t screw it up this time” Zak’s Sister said.

“Yes” their Mother added.   “Please Zachary, don’t screw it up this time.   Angie’s good for you.   And I don’t want to see you spend the rest of your life alone.”

“I promise, I won’t screw it up again.”    Satisfied, the two women began helping Zak find something to wear on this very important dinner date.   

Once he was dressed to their satisfaction, Zak’s sister ran downstairs and met him at his front door with a dozen red roses in her hand.   “Here, don’t forget to give her these.”

Zak looked at her.   “It’s a first date Sis.”

“Well technically it’s not your first date with Ang, considering you two have a four year old daughter.”    Zak nodded in agreement, unable to argue with that point.    “It’s to make a good first impression moron.”

“Brat” he remarked, taking the flowers from her.

“Knock it off, both of you” their Mother said.    Then she gave her son a kiss on his cheek.    “You look very handsome.   Just be yourself.    She fell in love with you once, she will again.”

“Thanks Mom” Zak said.

After what happened in Dallas, Angie didn’t want to go back to Milwaukee, but didn’t know where else she and her daughter could go, that is until Aaron offered to let her and Alex stay with him.   

At Aaron’s house, Angie had the same pile of clothes scattered about Aaron’s guest room as Zak had; she couldn’t decide on what to wear.    After getting some help from Alex, Angie walked out into the living room.    “Aaron?   What do you think?”

Aaron looked and saw she was wearing a red dress with spaghetti straps.   The dress came down to her knees, and she had matching red mini high heels on.    All Aaron could do in response was whistle and give her a thumbs up sign.     Just then, at 7 pm on the dot, Aaron’s doorbell rang.

Aaron jumped up and opened his front door, to see his best friend standing there holding a dozen red roses in his hand, and looking petrified.     “Why Zak, I didn’t know you cared about me so much” Aaron said, smirking.

“Jack ass” Zak muttered as Aaron opened the door further to let Zak in, while laughing.   “Where’s Angie?”

“In her room, she’ll be out in a minute.”

“Daddy!”  Alex called out, running for Zak. 

“There’s my Princess” Zak said, his face lighting up.   He pulled one of the roses from the dozen he was holding and handed it to her.   “This is for you sweetheart.”

Alex’s eyes lit up and she smiled brightly.   “Uncle Aaron, look what Daddy gave me” she said, proudly holding up her rose. 

“Wow, that’s beautiful.    How about you and me go find something to put it in, so we can put it in some water.”

Alex nodded.   “Daddy, don’t screw up.”  Alex warned her Father.   Then she walked off to the kitchen with Aaron.    In the kitchen Aaron picked up his camera, turned it on and hit record.  

Looking into the lens he whispered “Aaron’s Vlog, Zak’s first date.”    Then he held his finger up to his lips, telling Alex to be quiet.   The pair then snuck out of the kitchen and hid in a spot where Aaron could vlog Zak’s reaction to seeing Angie walk out.

And just at that moment, Angie walked out of Aaron’s guest room.   As soon as Zak saw her, he nearly dropped the roses in his hand, and could feel himself starting to harden just at the sight of her.    “Relax, it’s just a date, nothing more” he told himself.    “You look beautiful” he said to her.

“Thank you.”

Zak handed Angie the roses.   “These are for you.    There was a dozen but I gave Alex one.”

Angie took the roses.   “I should go put them in some water.”   Alex ran out to them and offered to put the flowers in water.    Zak couldn’t help but chuckle because it appeared that his daughter was anxious for her parents to go on their date.  

After Alex took the roses from her Mother, Zak held out his arm and Angie took hold of it.   The couple walked out of the house and then Aaron turned off his video recorder.    “Looks like you’re Mommy and Daddy are gonna get back together squirt” he said to Alex.

“If Daddy doesn’t screw up” Alex said nervously.

“He won’t” Aaron said, reassuring her.   “Your Daddy knows now that you and your Mommy are the best thing to ever happen to him.”

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