Chapter 15: The meeting...

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"" character talking
' character thinking
It has been a month since the Halloween dance me and naru already hit our first month I was happy we spent our first month at mom's grave it was nice I was glad that he wanted to spend it there. Shion is popular & is always trying to talk to naru but I usually grab his hand & walk away her cousin Toneri Ōtsutsuki hasn't talked to me since I've been ignoring him & plus Naruto is back & it's November we decided to have thanks giving at my house over the break I heard father is having a meeting with Naruto & his father and mother. I'm kinda nervous about it through hopefully father is not mad at the Uzumaki Namikaze family... it's the last week of school before thanksgiving break.
Hinata pov:
We were walking to his car & he opens my door "Hey naru do you have a another meeting with father" yea sorry hina I wish I could spend of time with you but we got all next week "okay" he holds my hand while driving everything is fine don't worry too much He said driving to my house I smiled & nodded we started talking about the fun things we're gonna do on spring break he parked & got out and walked over to my door & open my he laid out his hand in front of me I accepted it like always he smiles & walks me to my home bye Hinata , I will text you when the meeting is done he says kissing my forehead "okay naruto you better!" *giggles* I started to walk in but before I could I felt my head tilt back & soft sun kiss lips kissing me I kissed back Hina I love you he says smiling & blushing I also started to blush "I love you too naru" I said opening the door I waved bye to him I close the door softly "I'm home" I said softly I touch my lips & smiled.
Naruto pov:
I watched as the women I loved starting walking in her home I walk to her before she open the door I tilted her head back & kissed her I felt her Soft pale lips kissed me back she turns around "Hina I love you" *starts to smile & blushes* I could tell she was also blushing I love you too Naru she says & turns around to open the door she waved to me I watch as she slowly close the door I was a little sad that I couldn't see her anymore but I walked to my car & started to drive thinking about the meeting that is happening 'I wonder if Hinata father would accept the contract that dad & mom has made' i thought while seeing my house I drove in the park way & parked I got out and locked the doors I started to walk in I open the front door "I,m home" naruto honey get dressed we're meeting with Mrs. Hyūga again "okay mom" I said while walking upstairs I opened my door to see my suit laid out for me I smile "thanks mom" I get change & put on my business shoes on I walked downstairs to see Mom & Dad waiting for me Naruto you look so cute everytime I see you "Thanks mom" she's right, you get your good looks from me he nudges my arm winking "Yea I get my good looks from mom too you know" Yea! She says bonking dad on the head we walked out the house locking it & laughing we see a limo out front we all walked inside "Thanks yamato" no problem sir he says driving mom & dad are looking over the documents to see if everything is in the right order I could see the hyūga company entrance Yamato parks we all get out Dad tells what time to pick us up he nods & drives off we step in the company doors we we're greeted by Neji he takes us to the same meeting room we have been going to I see the Ōtsutsuki's there with Toneri Ōtsutsuki smirking at me but I ignored it even when I'm fuming inside alright let's gets this meeting started mrs. Hyūga said the meeting went on like how yesterday was I was getting frustrated I could tell mom was looking at me. I hear Hiashi Hyūga start to speak Toneri do you really love my daughter as you claim to be? He nods I love your daughter I will keep her safe he says with no light in his eyes & I'm sure are companies would be great together it will give the Ōtsutsuki clan & Hyūga clan great pride he says smirking at me I start to lose my anger till I heard Mr. Namikaze Uzumaki "yes sir?" Do you really love my daughter "Yes I truly do unlike the person who's lying straight in your face" every gasp he looks straight at me Why do you love her? "Because she's shy, caring, thoughtful, polite and gentle Which is the opposite of me that's why we complete each other she save me so many times when I felt like giving up she was there I love going with her to visit her mother , even when she cry's I get hurt a little every time I see it i always pick her up when's she's down just like how's she's with me and I vowed to protect her with my life ever since we were small children I love spending time with her her smile lightens my day every time I see it, it broke me when I saw her crying When he was messing with Hinata and I always was there to protect her & I always will I love her even if that means we're apart I will help your company ! . Everyone was quiet I could see the disappointed in the Ōtsutsuki's eyes I see mrs. Hyūga get there contact & rip it The deals off Touch my Daughter again I will send you to jail get out of my office right now! But your never gonna save your company with the likes of them Get out ! I see the Ōtsutsuki's members walk out I smirk. I see Hiashi grab the forms and sighs them Thank you Mom & Dad nodded and smiled he also smiled it was light one but you could still see it I assume you already got the rings ? "Yes sir" I said talking out the the rings of my pocket

 I see Hiashi grab the forms and sighs them Thank you Mom & Dad nodded and smiled he also smiled it was light one but you could still see it I assume you already got the rings ? "Yes sir" I said talking out the the rings of my pocket

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(How the rings look with Hyūga clan symbol with the Uzumaki & namikaze clan symbol)

He looks at the rings When are you gonna propose ? "Next month on Christmas Eve" he nods I give you my blessing he says I see both of my parents smile "Thank you it would be a great honor" I said with a bowl "Sir would you mind keeping this a secret from hina I wanna surprised her when I propose to her" Okay well it's good seeing y'all the same goes with us see you on Next weekend mom & dad say while walking out he nods Naruto please take care of her "I will sir I promise" I said smiling walking out . I see Yamato parked outside we all get in I pull out my phone to text hina. *texts*
Text messages:
Hina ❤️: Yo hina we just got out of the meeting.
Naru ❤️: really? Did everything go okay ?
Hina ❤️: yes hina so don't worry to much about it okay :) !
Naru ❤️: Okay I'm going to bed So goodnight love you ❤️:)
Hina ❤️: goodnight love you to I will pick you up tomorrow we could go out after school tomorrow
Naru ❤️: Yayy! Okay see you
*starts to smile*
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I hope you still in joy<3

We meet again...(Naruto x Hinata) (Naruhina)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum