-Chapter Five-

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Black Butler, In The Modern Era

Readers PoV

I raise (H/c) brow in question at her words. "It's not a fanfiction, (Bf/n). No, it's not. Plus, you know my bisexual ass leans toward women." I smirk playfully. She rolls her eyes, not having any of my words.

"Sure, sure. Whatever." She takes another sip of her iced coffee. I frown before taking a sip of my monster. 

"It's not. How would you even know?" I place my drink back onto the coffee table before crossing my arms. She smirks once again.

"I just do." She drags out in a sing-song. 

I mutter an uncertain 'sure' before dropping the topic as I find sudden interest in the floor. I mean, it would be amazing to have anime characters fall for me, but it isn't realistic. Especially when half of them are supernatural beings. My eyes go back to (Bf/n) as she stands up.

"I'm going to take my leave, my mum wanted me to clean around the house before she got home from work. Bye, sexy!" She jokes as she waves goodbye, flicking her (H/c) hair as she walks out of the living room. I wave back at her as she leaves, yawning as I hear the door close behind her. 

'I'm so tired...Sleep sounds great, but I don't want to fuck up my sleep schedule.'

I groan as the familiar feeling of my head nearly exploding starts to creep up. They have been so persistent lately. They start bearable, and then out of nowhere it feels like my head is being bashed against a fucking wall, and to top it off nothing works to help it. I hiss as I feel a sharp pain in my eyes, curling up into a ball as I try and block out any light that comes to me. I stay like this for a couple of minutes.

'What the fuck, this has never happened before. Well, this bad, anyway. I should really see a doctor.'

I furrow my brows and frown as I hear a cough coming from behind me, annoyed someone is seeing me in such a state.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" I hear Claude's voice. He doesn't sound concerned, however. More bored, if anything. I stay in the position I'm in as I feel the pain start to die down slightly, nodding.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just a migraine." I brush it off as I slowly start to sit up, the pain is gone but my ears are ringing. I look up at him to see him still in his butler attire. His expression matched his tone if I'm being honest. There's an awkward silence for a moment as neither of us had anything more to say. Deciding to make conversation, I ask where the others are.

"They should be down momentarily if you will excuse me." He answers before leaving the room. I let out a sigh of relief, my tense shoulders relaxing. 

'I should probably speak to them about school and working.'

I flinch softly as I feel somebody take a strand of my hair and twirl it around their fingers. My brows knit together with confusion as I look at the culprit, seeing no one other than Grell. I smile slightly as I look at her outfit. She looked good and made the red high-top converse on her feet work. 

"See something you like, my dear rose? You're eyeing me up like you want to love me until the sunrise. I, of course, have zero objections to that as you're just the cutest thing ever! Like the Gods and Goddesses took every single attractive trait and shoved it into your being!" Grell gushes, squeezing me against her chest. My face feels like fire as I attempt to escape her grasp, eventually succeeding. I stand up and take a couple of steps back, raising my hands slightly.

"Ma'am, I'm a minor." I sit down on the coffee table as Grell continues to fangirl. I look to the door as Ash walks into the room and stares Grell down with all of his angelic glory. He frowns softly before flicking her on her forehead. Grell immediately stops mid-sentence to glare at the culprit.  

Black Butler, In The Modern Era (Black butler x Modern! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now