-Chapter One-

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Black Butler, In The Modern Era

(Y/n)- Your Name

(Y/l/n)- Your Last Name

(S/t)- Skin Tone

(H/c)- Hair Colour

(O/h/c)- Opposite Hair Colour

(H/t)- Hair Type

(O/h/t)- Opposite Hair Type

(H/s)- Hair Style

(E/c)- Eye Colour

(D/h)- Dominant Hand

(F/c)- Favourite Colour

(Bf/n)- Best Friends Name

(Bf/l/n)- Best Friends Last Name

In this story, Alois is 18 and Ciel is 17. The reader is 16. I'm not going to bother giving the demons and reapers an age as not many people appreciated that last time, lmao.

The Readers PoV

The sound of my soft humming and occasional creek of my wooden floorboards fills the room as I pace back and forth, gathering the supplies I need for the school day ahead.

"I will never understand why I just don't do this shit the night before." I roll my bright/dark (E/c) eyes as I shove my revision books and pencil case into my bag before organizing them into a somewhat 'neat' format. I pull the bags strap over my right shoulder and slide on my black flats.

I look at my appearance in the mirror. I fix my uniform up slightly and nod, deeming myself presentable. I quickly walk over to my chest of drawers where my many crystals lay, accompanied by candles, and grab my tigers eye, citrine, and red tigers eye. I place them into my pocket and spray myself with the nearest perfume/aftershave, not bothering to check the bottle or name.

I sniff slightly, smiling. 'Million, hm?'

"I really need to leave, fuck." I place the spray down before walking out of my room, messing with my pentacle necklace. I shut and lock my bedroom door before walking down the long hallway to the stairs and speed walking down them.

"(Y/n)! Come on, we need to leave, for fucks sa!- oh, there you are." I roll my eyes at my older brother, Dylan. He's not much older, only by half an hour. Once I reach the bottom of the steps, I look up at him.

Dylan has many of the same features as myself. Bright/dark (E/c) eyes, smooth (S/t) skin, long eyelashes, same sharp brow shape and lip shape. We only lack the (H/c) hair. He has light/dark (O/h/c). We have another brother called Jake who too, has a few of the same features. The smooth (S/c) skin, light/dark (H/c) hair, lip shape, and face shape. He's an hour older than me, and half an hour older than Dylan. We all have the same sharp canine teeth. Come to think about it, our entire family seems to have them, so it's most likely a family trait.

Footsteps are heard from the right of me, making me turn my head to the noise and see Jake. He runs a hand through his (H/c) hair before stretching. "So, are we ready to rock and roll?" He asks as he begins to walk to the door, not letting us answer.

"Apparently," I mutter before shoving past Dylan and walking out the door. I smirk slightly as I hear Dylan mutter under his breath,


"Let's go you sons of bitches."

"Piss off, Jake."


"Dylan, be quiet you dumb fuck. No one cares about you and Maria." I tell him, a playful smile on my lips, as I unlock the door. He flicks my forehead, causing me to back up and give him enough time to shove past me and walk into the house. Jake follows behind him, also shoving past me.

"Yeah, and no one cares about you and your shitty cartoons, yet we still listen." Dylan retorts. I lock the door before spinning around to face him with my hands on my hips.

"Anime, Dylan. It's called anime."

"Anime, shmanime. I do-"

"Claude! Figure out where we are, that's an order!" A shriek from the living room makes all of us go silent as we all look at each other.

"I say (Y/n) goes to look," Jake says instantly, backing away to the stairs. Dylan nods,

"Yeah, sure. Just not me."

I narrow my eyes at the pair of them. "Twats." I spit as I walk to the living room. I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't racing by the slightest bit. I mean, I don't know what or who is behind the door. I'd say it's fair that I'm scared. I place a shaky hand on the doorknob, hesitant on turning it.

'Okay, I can do this. One, two...three!'

I quickly push the door open and release the breath I wasn't aware I was holding. I look up from the floor and look around the room, seeing seven familiar faces. My eyes widen and I freeze in the position I'm in, as do they. We all seem to be in a state of shock for a second before I snap out of it.

"I- What the fuck." I furrow my brows before raising my right one.

"Who's in there?" Dylan asks before walking up behind me and placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to him, seeing a smirk play on his face. I see Jake standing with us out of the corner of my eye.

"Are these those fuckers off of that anime? Black Butler, or something like that?"

"Dylan this is hardly the time, please shut up," I mutter as the other men and woman in the room begin to narrow their eyes at us. Nerves getting to me, I begin to mess with my necklace and trace over the pentacle design.

"Oh." Jake says simply before sitting down on the couch and turning on the tv. "Well, don't just stand there like lemons, tell them where they are and your names!"

I hear a cough from the other side of the room and look up, seeing Sebastian standing there with a clearly fake smile on his lips.

"My Lady/Sir, if you could tell us where we are, that would be very much appreciated." He speaks in that smooth, yet annoying as fuck voice of his. I stop my fidgeting and brush off my skirt/pants.

"Yes, okay. So, um, the year is 20XX and you're in my home." I tell them. Only now do I look properly at who is here.

'Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus, Grell Sutcliff, Undertaker and Ash Landers. The Earls look older than they originally were and taller. Ciel really has had a growth spurt. And not only is there two demons and two reapers, but there's also an Angel. This is bound to go well.'

"This is your home? How important are you to have this much money? I mean, you're just a woman/another person. You don't look like much." Alois crosses his arms. I turn to him with my eyes narrowed.

"Aren't you cute?" To be honest, I didn't know the answer to that myself. I've never really questioned it. Alois smirks and winks.

"Anyway," Ciel says, grabbing my attention. "Dylan, I believe his name is, said before that we're from an...anime? Mind explaining?"

"Oh, yeah. So an anime is this tv show that shows a series of events of characters. The anime you're all in is called Black Butler. It shows the events that have taken place such as the jack the ripper case," I let my gaze drift over to Grell, who is watching me with a sparkle in her eyes, "and others. I know about the contracts, I know the butlers are demons, I know that Grell and Undertaker are reapers, and I also know that Ash is an angel. So, not only have you time travelled, you have crossed dimensions. " I do my best to try and summarise my knowledge on their life, and the anime.


"Dylan, shut up."


Black Butler, In The Modern Era (Black butler x Modern! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now