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Xisuma rushed back to the Hermitcraft portal. Once he logged in he was speechless, the shopping district was in ruins. Small flames here and there. X walked around, he stopped as he found a communicator. Doc's communicator, Xisuma panicked. He had to figure out if the Hermits were alive. He went searching through the shopping district. He was about to give up when he heard someone. "Psssst! Xisuma over here" Xisuma looked around trying to indicate where the voice came from. "Under the tree in front of you," the voice said, Xisuma followed the directions to find a hole where Stress was waiting for him. He climbed down the hole and it closed over him. 

"Oh, thank goodness you're here!" Stress said, "you wouldn't believe what happened!" she said leading him down a tunnel. They reached a big room filled with the other Hermits. Although Xisuma noticed some were missing. He couldn't spot Doc, Ren, or False anywhere so he asked "What happened to Doc, Ren, and False?" Everyone turned to him, "Xisuma!" Mumbo exclaimed, "and well, Doc, Ren, and False were...kidnapped by the people that attacked us, the rest of us barely escaped, and they took Grian." That's when Xisuma remember he meant to ask Mumbo how he knew Grian before he was called to the meeting. "Oh, yea! Mumbo I've been, meaning to ask, how do you know Grian?" "Ohh Grian and I go way back before I even joined Hermitcraft. I and he hung out a lot together, we would sometimes have build battles, he was very creative but also extremely mischievous. Of course, he had his admin duties on EVO." Xisuma's stared at Mumbo in shock. "EVO...?" "Yea it's a server where they jumped from version to version. Why?"

Xisuma gulped, "Do you not know what happened to it?" Mumbo asked confused, "What do you mean?" Xisuma took a deep breath and told him the story. After he finished Mumbo was speechless until he finally said, "So that's why Grian never contacted me..." No one said anything after that for a few minutes, they just stayed silent. "Now what?" Iskall spoke up, "Well I guess we should save our friends and Xel- I mean Grian, who has any ideas?"

Dream woke up and felt the cold stone ground under him. He sat up confused about his whereabouts.  That's when he remembered what happened. He got up to his feet and looked around. He was in a ravine with no way back up. He spotted a mineshaft, Maybe I'll find something useful there he thought as he walked towards it. He walked along the tracks in search of something that might help him. Eventually, he found himself on a flight of stairs. He walked up to see that he was in a big room. With a throne, it was empty. Or so he thought before he was knocked down by someone. He fell to the ground unconscious, a man stood over him. He wore purple armor and had a black sword at his side. He grinned at Dream's unconscious body and said, "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

"Ughhh" Tango let out a groan, "we've been thinking about a plan for hours now!" Xisuma was just as frustrated. They had come up with nothing. They had no idea where their friends were or how to save them. That's when an idea popped up into Xisuma's head, was he a fan of it? No. But it was his last chance. He got up, "Where are you going?" Cleo asked. "I have to go pay someone a visit," Xisuma said as he typed in the coordinates. "I'll be right back," he said as before he teleported. He was now standing inside a black void, in front of him was a small shack. He knocked on the door three times before someone opened it. "Hello, Xanthus" Xisuma greeted his brother. 

"So you want my help to save your little friends?" Xanthus said giving Xisuma a scoff. "Exactly" Xisuma responded, "And why would I do that?" Xanthus said. Xisuma hesitated before saying, "Because I'll get you out of here." Xanthus looked up, "As if" he scoffed. Xisuma looked him straight in the eyes," I swear on Xelqua that I will keep my promise. " Those words sounded weird considering he knew Xelqua personally. But it was enough to make Xanthus rethink. "Alright fine," he said, "But don't expect me to interact with anyone" as he leads Xisuma to the door. They both stood outside and Xisuma typed in a command to unban Xanthus. Then he teleported both to the hideout. Their sudden appearance made a few hermits grab their weapons. Some put them down relieved to see it was only Xisuma only to get them out again as they realized who was with him. 

"Why is HE here?!" Mumbo exclaimed. Xisuma sighed expecting that reaction, "Like it or not he's the only chance of saving our friends and Grian." They all put their weapons away although still wary of Xanthus. "So here's the plan," Xanthus said.

Xisuma was now located in the main base of the watchers. He, Stress, and Xb were sneaking through the halls of the base searching for the place their friends were kept. They hid behind a wall when a guard passed by. "over there!" Xb whispered and pointed to a room guarded by two guards. Behind them, they saw jail cells. "I'll knock out the guards," Xb said. He quietly snuck up on the two guards hitting them unconscious with his sword. Then he gestured to follow him inside. They went inside the room to discover Doc, False, Ren, and Dream who was laying on the floor. He appeared to be knocked out. Stress opened the cells with the keys she had grabbed from the guards. 

They had a small reunion before Xisuma asked, "Where's Grian?" The other 3 went silent. "When we arrived they took Grian to a different place. Said something about the leader wanting to meet him or something like that." Ren said. Xisuma's eyes widened, "We need to go NOW!" the three of them ran down a hallway, X in the lead with Dream hanging over Doc's shoulder. He was desperately trying to find the main room. He almost ran into a group of guards walking with someone in between them. The person's head was looking to the ground and their hands were cuffed behind their back. Xisuma then realized that was Grian. 

Xsignalled the group to follow the guards. They followed them and hid behind a pillar in the main room. Grian was now standing in front of a throne. On top of the throne sat a large man with purple wings. He was wearing purple armour decorated with amethysts. On his head was a silver crown with a purple symbol similar to the one on the mask of the guards. "Well, well, well if it isn't the runaway Xeqlua, or should I say Grian?" Grian growled, "What do you want from me?! Isn't it enough that you took away my best friends and destroyed my server?" he spat out. "No. It isn't" the man simply replied. "I want to make sure you never run away from us again, you're simply too powerful." "I won't join you if that's what you're planning," Grian said.  The man smirked, "I expected that, which is why I came prepared" the man did a gesture with his hands and the guards brought for a very familiar man. Grian's eyes widened, "Mumbo...?" The man let out an evil laugh, "That right!! And if you don't join us then your little friend here won't live to see the next day. 

Oh my!! it's getting so much more thrilling! Oh what will Grian do? Join the watcher to save Mumbo or will he let Mumbo die? Who knows~? Yes, yes of course I know what's going to happen. It's just for the effect. What do you mean this is cringy? I am taking offense to what you just said to me. Hmph! I'm just doing my part. I don't know what you want from me. You can't fire me I'm literally the only narrator in this world. I-whatever. Fine I'll behave as long as you don't cut me of in my senten-

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