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At the time Xisuma had been sure of his decision. But now he was getting more nervous with every step he took closer towards the portal leading to Hermitcraft. He glanced over his shoulder again to look at Grian. It seemed he was also nervous, but I mean who could blame him? They arrived at the portal and X gestured for Grian to step through first. Grian took a few steps forward he knew Mumbo was in Hermitcraft and he had no idea how he would react if he were to see Grian. But he went through the portal anyways followed by Xisuma soon after.

Mumbo's POV

Xisuma told us to come to spawn but I was a bit too occupied by the project I was doing so I just said I couldn't come. I ignored the two dings after that and instead tried to figure out what went wrong. Oh! I placed the repeater the wrong way. What an amateur mistake. I got back to testing and felt a huge relief when I saw that it worked. I decided I deserved rest and whatever Xisuma had to tell us could wait a little longer. I went into my hobbit hole to lay down in my bed, I looked at the table standing beside it. On top of it, there was a picture of me and Grian. I really missed him but I didn't regret going coming on Hermitcraft one bit. Grian had EVO so I thought it would be best if I had a server too. Sadly I was too caught up with it that I completely forgot about hanging out with him.

I wonder what he's doing right now. I thought to myself, I tried falling asleep but that thought kept me awake. (I just realized it sounds like I'm shipping them which I am not. This book does not include any ships) I grumbled to myself "Even when he isn't here, he manages to interrupt me in my sleep anyways" sighing I decided to go to spawn. It had only been a few minutes since X had sent the message maybe he was still at spawn. I equipped my elytra and flew off to spawn.

Grian POV

Xisuma had messaged the Hermits to come to spawn. I was still pretty nervous, but after a few minutes when almost everyone had arrived the nervousness died down a little. I was relieved but also disappointed to see that Mumbo hadn't come. I was sort of hoping we could see each other again. I sighed thinking about the fun times we had together. "You good?" X-I-suma asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm fine just...nervous." "don't worry the Hermits are friendly, well except maybe for doc he might take a while to adjust to you but besides that, they're all friendly." I didn't respond but instead looked at the people in front of me. X was right they did look pretty friendly, except for that one creeper cyborg guy. That must be doc. Xisuma stepped up, "Alright everyone, this is Grian he will be joining us this season.

I nervously stood beside Xisuma, "I-erm hi?" Wow, great job Grian what was that? I thought to myself. "Hi there my name is Scar!" a man dressed like a wizard said, he seemed nice, "Why don't we become neighbors!" he said. I just shrugged, "Why not?" "Great!! Follow me!" he flew off with his Elytra while I flapped my wings to follow.

Xisuma's POV

After I introduced Grian almost everyone left. Grian did seem nice but I still felt like he was hiding something I just don't know what. I heard rockets behind me, I turned around to see Mumbo, he was the only Hermit who couldn't make it something about a project. "Sorry I couldn't come," he said as he landed, "What did I miss?" "I just introduced a new Hermit, he should be with Scar right now." "Alright well nice talking to you!" he said as he left just as quickly as he came, almost hitting one of the shops in the shopping district. I shook my head at the clumsiness of the redstoner. Now back to Grian, I couldn't get over the fact that I felt like I heard that name somewhere. But where that was the question.

It felt as if it was from my childhood, from a story. The sad thing is I don't remember much from my childhood, but there was one person who did. No, I can't talk to him, I'll do that if I really have no other option. But what if that is the only option? No, I'm just not ready to face him yet. I sighed as I flew towards my base. This whole situation was giving me a headache.

Unbeknownst to Xisuma, he wasn't the only one suspicious of Grian. Another admin was sitting there thinking. His mask was masking his expression (see what I did there?) but under it, his expression was worrying. Dream knew where he heard the name Grian before. In a book, not just any fairytale book no this was a special book. It was a book he had found while exploring the unexplored islands. He had found an abandoned tower. Cobwebs had been everywhere, it had reeked of dried blood. He has found cells with skeletons in them. But in one room particularly there was a chest. It had crossed out names in it. Some barely readable others were completely unreadable. But one had stood out in particular, the name was circled several times with a pen and it was written in capital letters. Dream had hidden it from the other admins since he knew that they would take it away to investigate. The name that was circled just so happened to be: Grian Charles Xelqua.

Hello there! you shouldn't be surprised anymore to see me. I'm everywhere you must know, but enough about that. I am here to tell you a story, this is a little story about the childhood of Grian. You see his parents abandoned him outside of an orphanage. He grew up without ever being adopted and went to a collage where he studied biology. I know what a surprise! a builder that studied biology you'd think the people that studied there would become exploreres. But then again, Grian is special, he never really liked his first name that much, he thought his last name sounded cooler, his words, not mine. Which is why everyone always thought Grian was his second name. But too his close friends he was Grian. Why am I telling you this? Well you see the watchers may be smart and all since you know... They WATCH over things and stuff but under that they're practically brain dead. This is an advantage for Grian, without them knowing his actual name they can't track him using magic. But of course the watchers are watching which is why they saw Grian entering Hermitcraft. Ahh poor Grian, main charachters can never catch a break now can they?

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