Chapter 2

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'Uhh, hi! My name is Liliana, but everyone calls me Lily. I moved to Domino recently from America. I do play Duel Monsters, and I have won a few tournaments back home. It has been my dream to duel Seto Kaiba for a while now.' I paused to hear the class gasp, and a few heads turned to the back, towards a tall boy with brown hair and eyes so blue they could be crystals. I was intrigued, and slightly confused by this, but I pretended not to notice. 'My brother and I both have a great interest in all games, and I would love to play against any of you!' I finished with a smile, and sat down in my new seat, which happened to be next to the brunette at the back. His eyes briefly moved from his book to me when he saw me sitting down.

Damn, he looks good.

I walked out of the classroom when the bell rang for lunch, and I went to the cafeteria to find Yugi. I saw him being bullied by some senior jerk. I saw him wince in pain, and I ran over to him. I couldn't find Joey, Tristan or Tea. They must have been held up in class for some reason.

'Yugi!' I saw him fall onto the floor, and anger rose in me.

'Nee-chan...' he said weakly. I turned to the bullies, shaking with rage.

'DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR MY BROTHER, BASTARDS!' My hands balled up into fists. I was pure anger in that moment. My hand connected with his face, and he lay sprawled upon the floor, blood oozing from his nose.

'Cowards.' I muttered, as Yugi got to his feet.

'Eh, I coulda taken him.' I spun around to see Joey, grinning at me, with a shocked Tea and Tristan behind him.

'Not bad, Lily!'

'You're not surprised?' Tea asked Joey.

'Course not! I know that Yugi gets bullied a lot, and I know that as the older sibling, you'd try your very best to protect him. So it makes sense that you're such a beast when it comes to protecting Yugi. I have a little sibling too.' Joey replied coolly.

'Who knew Joey could be so wise?' Tristan said, making me snicker.

'Hey watch it! I can be a boss like Lily too y'know!' Joey got into a fighting stance, which Tristan imitated.

'Come on, let's go eat. They'll turn up eventually, when they realise they haven't eaten in a full thirty minutes.' Tea remarked as the three of us turned to go, leaving Joey and Tristan to their cat fight.

The boys turned up ten minutes later, both sporting black eyes, and Joey trying to fix a bleeding lip. Tea sighed, and dragged the two boys to the nurses office for what was apparently the third time that week.

Yugi looked up from his sushi. 'Thanks for saving me back there.'

'No problem!' I said brightly. 'What are big sisters for?'

Yugi smiled. 'I think Joey was right. You were a beast out there.'

I giggled. I hadn't punched anyone's lights out in 8 years. It felt good to be able to protect my little Yugi-chan again.


Yugi went home with Tea, Tristan and Joey, while I decided to have a walk around, to familiarise myself with the city, and to maybe find a job. I looked at the different shops, none of which were hiring. I stopped in front of a towering skyscraper with the KaibaCorp logo on it. I walked in and asked if they were hiring, to which they said yes. They told me to go to the top floor, and I obliged.

When I got out of the lift, someone led me to an office. 'Mr. Kaiba, someone is here to request a job.'

Wait... what? Did he just say Mr. Kaiba?!

The guy in the office simply grunted in acknowledgement. I walked in, to see the blue-eyed, brown haired boy from school typing furiously.

'You?! You're the CEO of KaibaCorp?! You're Seto Kaiba?!

'What does it look like?' He snapped, his eyes not moving from his laptop.

Guess I know why everyone was surprised back in class. I was talking about dueling him and I didn't realise he was in the room!

He finally looked up from his laptop, and looked up at me. Shock flashed across his face, and it was replaced by amusement. 'You wanted to challenge me to a duel?' he said coolly.

'You were listening when I said that? I thought you were reading the whole time.'

He smirked. 'I'll give you the job if you can beat me.' he said, completely ignoring my last question.

'Awesome!' I gave him a genuine smile.

Let's do this...

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