Chapter 16: The Final Battle, Part 3 (The Fate of all existence)

Start from the beginning

Yami: Everything will change.

He smiles while softly laughing.

From Mario and Sonic's first team battle agains the Shadows. As Takasuki is in a meeting.

Slash: So it appears the rumors are true. The two worlds do have some fair share of heroes.

Terra: I knew something like this would happen. How about we just send in more creatures to kill them now while we have the chance.

Nora: Don't be so arrogant. They may be useful so I say we send a team out team to capture them and use them for our goal.

Bulk: And how do we do this? Even if we do capture them we can't somehow use them. Besides they are too tough to catch.

Nora: We use a more brute strength from our forces and get them.

Terra: How about we use all our power and brute force necessary needed to kill the hedgehog and plumber while we still can.

Slash: And waste all our power? Are you mad? You dare waste all our energy on two guys who we have know idea what they are?!

Terra: It is the only way! You saw what they did so if their that strong then we should finish them while we have the chance!

The argument continues until the Yami ends the argument.

Yami: ENOUGH!!

They all stopped arguing and faced him.

Yami: I get what you're all coming from but none of those ideas will work. Don't worry I have plans for the plumber and hedgehog but we'll have to handle this quietly. Dismissed.

All: Yessir!

The Takasuki members all leave except for the leader who continues to watch Mario and Sonic.

Yami: (Thinking) You're pretty clever aren't you, Mario and Sonic? But don't worry in time you won't be a problem anymore.

Yami smiles evilly when he says.

Present day

Mario and Sonic are shocked to see every action Takasuki has taken since the beginning.

Mario: I can't believe it. He's been watching us this whole time.

Sonic: No wonder he was several steps ahead.

Yami: Yes that is correct.

Yami suddenly appears behind Sonic and Mario who gets into their stances.

Yami: And he's before you ask yes I am the real deal.

Mario: Good.

Sonic: Now we can finally finish this once and for all.

Yami laughs at this and makes a remark.

Yami: You think it will be that easy huh? However...

He claps his hands and suddenly dark energy starts coming out of him...

(Cues: Kingdom Hearts 3 -Scala Ad Caelum Battle Theme- Extended*)

And much to Mario and Sonic's shock the spirits of Terra, Slash, Bulk, Nora, and an army of shadows started coming out many more in ghost like forms.

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