The team falls silent.

"Who are you people and why are you in Timothy's living room?!"

"You know Timothy? Are you like a friend demon? A genie? A fire fortune teller?" Tony inquires.

"I'm a person. And you all are obviously muggles. How did you get into the apartment?"

Tony turns towards the others, "Muggles, I thought we were no-majes?" 

Steve pushes the man aside, "Don't mind him. Hello ma'am, I'm Steve Rogers. Timothy's at work. Are you a friend of Amelia?" 

"Yeah, uh hi. Hermoine Granger, it's a pleasure." She narrows her eyes, "Wait, you were on the news."

"At least some magical folk have a television."

"-You were the team that fought against the aliens, with Amelia."

While Steve confirms her, Natasha raises an eyebrow, "Wait, Hemoine Granger, you were on Amelia's list."

"What kind of list? Please don't say the 'in case of emergency list'. Not that I wouldn't want to be on there. Merlin knows that that woman needs a voice of reason to help her out of the situations she always get's herself in."

"Hey is that Timothy? And what's this list? Am I on it?"

The others look confused at the second voice coming out of the fireplace and they see Hermoine turn her head to the right in annoyance.

"Timothy is at the ministry. And I don't know Ginny, quiet down so I can find out!" They hear a huff through the fire.  

Tony narrows his eyes, "So are you like in the fire? Did you transport your soul into it or something? How does it work?"

Hermoine laughs, "I wish, that would have been much nicer. No, I'm just sticking my head into my fireplace back home after throwing in the powder."

"Back home, as in, in England?" Bruce questions.


"That is so fascinating."

"Ever heard of a phone? Face timing? You know, things that don't require putting your head into a fire?" Natasha gives Tony a punch to the shoulder. 

"Back to that list, Amelia gave us a list of people to give this white substance that she pulled out of her head to before she got arrested."

"SHE GOT ARRESTED?!"  The voice in the background yells. 

"Of course she did Ginny! She literally exposed magic to the whole world!" Hermoine shouts back and then faces back towards the team, "She gave you her memories? Why would she do that?" The last sentence was mostly meant to herself.


"Do you still have the vial?"

"Yeah, Timothy left it here before going to the ministry."

"Good. We'll come over so we can watch it. Give us a moment, and do stay clear of the fireplace."

Seconds later her head disappears out of the flames and the team just stares at it for a moment. When after two minutes nothing happens Clint speaks up.

"So did that really happen or am I dreaming?"

His question get's answered by a sudden cloud of dust by the fireplace, followed by the appearance of a curly haired figure. The woman in question wipes off the dust from her classy dressed outfit. They others weren't even used to her before another figure appears. With bright red hair and a more casual sporty type of clothing the new woman ungracefully stumbles out of the fire. 

Hocus Pocus // T. StarkWhere stories live. Discover now