chapter twenty one

Comincia dall'inizio

Asami slowly walked over to Korra and managed to stop shaking enough to place her hands on her partner's strong shoulders. She felt them tense immediately under her touch, and it made her feel a bit powerful.

"Hey, green eyes." Korra said in a curious tone. She was only standing back facing Asami in a cup bra. Asami scanned everything she could see; Korra's back, bra straps, neck, ears, her short hair.

"Hi." She responded more alluringly. After the few months that her and Korra had been more touchy with each other, sometimes she remembered how she had an affect on the younger woman.

She used this to her advantage and pressed her lips on one of the shoulders she held. It wasn't even out of lust, rather it was out of raw emotion. Asami just wanted to kiss and touch Korra in every way that she was allowed to. She loved the feeling of her lips meeting the usual hot skin.

Korra obviously melted into the act of affection. Asami didn't continue though, and instead placed her chin on the same shoulder.

"I'm still really happy that you came to the gala with me." Asami said. "Even if I pissed you off with the whole best friends thing. I'm also still really sorry about that."

"You can stop apologizing now, you know. I told you thirty times already that it's fine, just caught me off guard."

"Yeah but still." She gave another kiss on the shoulder, then made her way up to the neck. Korra tensed again.

Korra then quickly turned around, pulling Asami's body into her front, and smashed her lips onto pale ones. They eased into the kiss within milliseconds, of course. Asami sighed at the contact. She was addicted to kissing Korra, and rightfully so.

All of the sudden she was pushing the other business woman against a wall and latched onto her neck hungrily, almost as if she had to prove how badly she wanted to suck it.

Their hands and legs and breaths tangled together. Korra dug her hands on the back of Asami's head to somehow pull her lips closer. Asami gripped Korra at her naked waist to keep her firmly up right as it seemed like she was falling because of the sensation.

Heat filled the room quickly.

"Bed." Korra huffed, though it was completely inaudible to Asami. She was far too distracted by sucking and biting on Korra's neck, making sure to hit the sweet spots that she knew so well by now.

"What was that?" She whispered into her neck slyly with a smirk, then went back to kissing it.

"We need to ... get to my bed." Korra mumbled but it was clear enough what she said next with such a serious tone. "I- I want you, Asami."

Asami slowly pulled back to look at Korra in the eyes, her own wide as she felt herself shiver and throat go dry.

"Are- are you sure?"

"God yes. I've never wanted anything or anyone else more." It came out sharp and almost seemed like a whimper. Asami's knees nearly buckled in on her as her eyes grew wide.

"Is that okay?" Korra asked more concerningly.

Asami took a moment to answer, but not because she was having doubts or seconds thoughts. It was instead because of how true Korra's confession was, and how much it left her rattled. She figured if her underwear was just a bit damp before, it would be soaked within the next one or two seconds.


Korra backed Asami up until the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed. With that, she leaned backwards and shuffled up so she was fully on it. Korra crawled over her slowly going limp body and kissed her again. The kiss was hard and spoke volumes, as if that was the final okay that they needed, and it was.

korrasami - trulyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora