"Home isn't the place I wanna be in right now," I said. "Even school too"

She looked at me concerned, then stares down at the floor and nodded, understanding what I'm probably going through. "Well...where do you plan on staying?"

To be honest, I don't know. I shrugged. All I want to do is to get rid of these emotions.

"I would offer to let you stay here, but this place is a No no" She stated, "But-"

"Don't bother, I won't be staying for too long" I intervened.  She frowned, "sure you gonna be alright?"

I can tell she was worried. I never took things personally with her, especially with my life.

I nodded, silently.

I guess my presence is something she will be missed.

But, I don't wanna leave just yet.

My house yet may be quiet but it's still dreadful living there.

I still feel like shit.

I can't add to this by the time I head home.

I looked at her and sighed.

"Jane..." I spoke, breaking the silence between us. It was even the first time I even said her name

"Can you teach me..." I quietly said.

She looked at me, raising her brows trying to understand what I'm saying, "What is it?"

I know I shouldn't ask this, but the amount of emotions I held in is overwhelming. That I have to realize all this shit.

I can't explain it, "This" I pointed.

It was the weed. The rolled-up thin paper that Jane mentioned and educated me on during our 2-hour conversation.

She chuckled, "What If I don't let you?" She smirks.

"You let Trainy smoke weed, why can't I?" I confront her.

It's also illegal to even hand out something toxic to a minor anyways.

"You are too young for this shit" She replied.

"Aren't you too?" I argued, my brows furrowed. "Everyone in this room is too young too, so might well hand me one anyways" I shrugged.

Before she can say anything, trainy intervened. "Jane, my brooo...if he's interested, then let him try my dudee"  he spoke, slowly yet peacefully with an unbothered tone. He laughed, the way said his sentence "Holy shit, why did I...Why did I even- say it- like that"

"You're tripping out bro" Another guy who sat on the couch across Trainy replied back, laughing along with him.

She turned to me, analyzing me if I can even smoke weed. I want to get wasted.

"You really wanna try this time huh?" She asked, "Have you ever smoked a cigarette before?"

I contemplate...I have never in my life but recently been seeing my dad smokes. I shook my head.

She laughed, shaking her head. "Then it will suck for you on your first try, how will you even enjoy it when you never smoked anything in your life?"

I sighed, "I'm...curious okay?" I lied.

Just give me one for fucks sake.

She sighed, "Alright, newbie. As I said, before, it will suck but eventually, you feel the feeling of being high in a matter of time"

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