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"But if the world was ending, you'd come over, right?"

Dedicated to absolutely no one because no one's active anymore :)

If you already started this chapter and then stopped because you couldn't comment or load the next page all of a sudden, sorry HAHHA wp deleted this and I had to republish smh

» POV: Mackenzie Ziegler «



may 1, 10 years ago.

Walking into the humid May heat, I buckled my brown leather-strapped sandals, and ambled over to the nearby town square — not that it was exactly square-shaped, but still a town square all the same. Heading over to the heavily decorated entrance of the yearly Fireflies Market fair our town held, I smiled to myself, wondering which friend I'd bump into this year at the thrifting booth.

Our friend-group had a yearly tradition — on the first day of Fireflies Market, we'd all head over to the thrifting booth, without telling each other when we'd get there. Rule was, we were only allowed to stay at that one booth for fifteen minutes, and if we didn't meet anyone else we knew, we'd have to pay the ones who did meet someone five dollars. Giving that there were seven of us, you could possibly earn thirty dollars at the most.

Standing back for just a moment to take a quick picture with the film camera I'd just gotten to last me the whole summer, I also took a mental picture of the decently-sized opening display, as I did annually. I'd take pictures of the gazebo in the middle, and of the entrance of the crowded maze of booths, filled with the smells of cotton candy, churos and lots of barbecue.

Spying the familiar faux-wood trellises John's family always put up for their stall, drooping under the weight of petunias, marigolds and other various summer plants Meredith was in love with, I closed my eyes, and a slight grin grew on my face.

"Well look at that, look who's here! Have you done your fifteen minutes at the thrift booth yet, Kenz?" Laughing heartily, I got a slap on the back from Dale, before he handed me an ice cream cone. He and Meredith always ran the ice cream booth, and occasionally, I'd get a free cone here and there, but I'd insist on paying.

"No, not yet," looking around, I noticed that I hadn't seen John anywhere yet. "Hey, do you know where John is?" Frankly, I was surprised he hadn't scare jumped me yet. Handing the money to Dale, I smiled.

As a joke, he'd always scare me on the first day of the festival, and I'd swear that I wouldn't get scared the next year.

"Not sure. I saw him coming in here earlier with someone, but I couldn't tell who it was. Sorry!" Sighing, I nibbled on the ice cream cone Dale handed me, heading off to the thrifting booth, sweating. I had my shades on and I could still feel the heat radiating through them, making little droplets of sticky sweat congregate around my eyes and nostrils.

Spotting Lauren near the handbags booth at the west corner of the fair, I ducked under the shade of a tall ivy-ambushed-wall and walked in the shade for a few hundred meters before I was forced back out into the sun towards Lauren.

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