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jjs past with his dad was not the best you just remember all the days that jj had breakdowns with you about his dad his dad was furious when he found out i was pregnant with selena, selena is about to be 2 in a couple of months and now all the sudden he wants to play the grandpa role in her life  he acts like didn't put jj through shit it's awful you got a call from luke saying he wants to meet selena you didn't know how to break the news to jj
selena was napping on you and jjs bed jj was just coming home better to say now then ever right
jj: *hey baby* he kisses your lips and smiles then walks to where selena is sleeping and kisses her forehead
y/n:*hey* you grin at him nervously
jj:*you okay babe?*
y/n:*babe it's you're dad* you say nervously
jj:*what?* he asks confused
y/n:*he called today out of no where saying he wants to meet selena and was super sorry for everything*
jj:* you're just now telling me* starting to get mad
y/n*woah chill out he literally just called me today i told him that i would tell you i never said yes and i was gonna tell you when you got home* you reassure him
jj just walks out mad as fuck he didn't want the person who made his life hell around his daughter he sat on the hammock hitting his juul trying to relax and process everything
you walk out with selena in your arms she woke up from her nap
y/n: *jj are you mad at me?* you ask quietly and sit beside him with you're daughter in you're arms
jj: *of course not queen it's just i don't know he looks at selena then shrugs *he doesn't deserve to be apart of my princesses life* he opens his arms so that you can pass selena to him then he kisses her cheek and forehead and hugs her
jj:*hi mama* he says in a playful voice and smiles at her *you gotta a good nap?* he laughs
selena giggles in his arms
y/n*baby please understand that i understand what ever choice you have to make okay don't feel pressured by him okay?* you smile softly at him and hold his hand
jj:* i know baby* he kisses you're cheek and smiles at you

part 2???

jj maybank imagine • family Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum