Chapter 10: A Girl And Her Dog

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Mika" I say to myself as I close my eyes beneath my mask. Suddenly I hear a voice in the distance say "Go". I look up and see a black figure cut Kuro in half at the waist. As Kuro splits in two I see an armored three armed insectoid like creature, with a long katana like blade.

The creature looks at me "you must be another one of Mika's friends?" I ask

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The creature looks at me "you must be another one of Mika's friends?" I ask. The creature nodes its head and turns its attention over to the regenerating Kuro. "I guess you can deal with the dog then" I say to the creature as I  get up. I run over to the girl with the giant scissors and see her trying to fight Seryu. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was out to kill Seryu. I had seen that look many times before back when I was younger.

I folded out my arm blade and took out my tomahawk and ran over to Seryu to fight her. "It looks as though Kuro is busy, but no matter, I will take care of the three of you" Seryu says to us. "You aren't in the position to be saying that, give up now or die" I tell Seryu. "No, you all will die, for killing my parents, for killing my master Ogre and for being truly evil beings" Seryu replies. "Looks like I've got my shot" the girl with pink hair says as she fires an energy shot at Seryu.

Before we knew it, Mika's friend was thrown towards Seryu and was hit by the energy shot. "That's a good boy Kuro" Seryu tells the imperial arms. I run over to Mika's friend to see if it was alright. "You ok?" I ask the creature, it gets up slowly and picks up its katana and looks at me, it nods its head and goes back to fight Kuro once more.

I watch the creature fight Kuro and something sticks out to me about the way it was fighting. It looked as though the creature was fighting the way I was fighting back out in the forest. I mean, Zanku did say Mika's mind was connected to her friends and she was watching me practice all those times. Right now I needed to focus back on Seryu and stop her.

By the time I had gotten there, the girl with the giant scissors had cut off one of Seryu's arms. "Nice job but leave the rest to me" I tell the girl with the giant scissors. As she backs away, I go in to finish off Seryu and end this. "Go ahead and try to kill me" Seryu says to me, spitting at my face. "I don't want to have to but you leave me no choice" I reply. I charge at Seryu, as she goes to attack me, I sweep her leg and stab her in the gut as she goes down.

I take out my revolver and aim it at Seryu's head "one last chance" I tell her. "I won't die so easily" she says to me with that look on her face. I cock the hammer back on my revolver and was about to pull the trigger before out of nowhere Kuro came bolting at me. I could see that he had ripped off one of the arms of Mika's friend and was coming straight for me.

As I reached I pulled the trigger and managed to shoot off Seryu's other arm. Kuro was able to grab on to me and was about to bite me half when a red claw hand ripped Kuro's face off. I looked over and saw that it was the robotic friend of Mika, the one she called San. Both San and Go, now with his third arm became came over and helped me up off the ground. "Thanks you two" I tell the both of them, as Kuro gets back up the two turn their attention towards him.

With Kuro distracted once more the girl with the giant scissors ran over to finish Seryu off on her own. "This is the last thing my master Ogre gave to me before he was murdered and I plan on using it" Seryu says. Before I knew it there was a loud bang and the girl with the giant scissors fell to the ground. I looked over and saw a gun barrel coming out of Seryu's mouth. "Sheele, NO!!!" The girl with the pink hair yelled as she saw her friend laying there.

I ran over to the side of the girl and did what I could to keep her alive. I put pressure on the wound but it wouldn't stop bleeding. "I'm going to keep you alive" I tell her "no" was all she said. "Kuro finish them off" Seryu commands, Kuro throws both of Mika's friends off him as his body regenerates. "Kill" Seryu says looking over at me and the Sheele girl. Kuro launches himself towards me at full speeds, the girl with the pink hair fires another shot at the same time.

Before I knew it the Sheele girl pushed me off of her and out of the way of Kuro. As Kuro bit down, he ate the Sheele girl whole, it didn't matter that the girl with the pink hair's shot hit him. "Good boy Kuro, that is one dead, now let's finish off the other two" Seryu tells Kuro. I was in shock and didn't know what to do, as I stood there still, guards began to show up by the thousands. "Ma'am what is going on here?" A guard asks Seryu "it is Night Raid, kill them" she answers.

I ran over to the girl with pink hair and grabbed on to her "let me go, I need to kill them for Sheele" she says to me as she tries to push me off of her. "No, if you continue to fight you will die" I tell her. I look over to the alley where Mika was and give her the signal. I throw down a smoke grenade filling the entire area around me with smoke. "It's a smoke screen, we can't see" a guard says. "Either way, find them and kill them" Seryu tells the guards.

Mika comes running over to me through the smoke and I grab on to her along with the pink haired girl. I use my grappling rope and swing over to a rooftop with the two in my arms. "We need to get to your hideout now" I tell the pink haired girl. "Go that way" she says pointing off in the distance.

Time Skip

Night Raid Hideout

The girl with the pink hair, now known to me as Mine, lead me all the way to the Night Raid hideout which was far out in the forest. When I first entered it, a familiar looking Tatsumi and a few other Night Raid assassins tried to kill me. Thankfully, Mine let them know I wasn't a threat and I saved her. I also took my mask off and showed them who I was. Mika grabbed onto me the whole time as I stood the assassins down.

Thankfully things didn't escalate and I was taken to their leader. Mine had explained to them that Sheele was dead and she was unable to recover her imperial arms. They all were upset, especially Tatsumi but the others were cold. They knew that death was apart of their job description and it could happen to any of them at any time.

I was taken to a large room and was told to wait for their boss to arrive. When she did come in, she walked over to her chair and sat down. "Well, I did not expect to see you here" she says to me. Once I see her, I feel like I've seen her face before from somewhere. When I heard her voice, I instantly recognized who she was. All those years and I never forgot who she was but it looked like she forgot me.

"You bitch, I finally found you, now I'm going to finish what I started with your eye!!!" I yell taking out my knife as I charge at her

A/N: Cliffhanger, sorry readers but next Tuesday you'll find out what Y/N is going to do with Najenda. Sorry for those who didn't want Sheele to die but no one wanted her as the love interest and her death is important to the story. What will happen now that Y/N is at the hideout of Night Raid. Will he join them or will he end up killing Najenda for the past. Those questions and more will be answered in the next chapter. Also let me know what you think about Mika's new friend. I wanted at least one with multiple arms and a weapon. I can't say how many more she has but you'll definitely see a few more in future chapters. Now, I am always answering any questions you may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better then the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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