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[requested by topastxrism  I hope you like it!]

(Y/n) watched the flames swallow the box on fire. The box in which memories she wanted to burn down were. A cigarette was rolled in between her thin fingers and (Y/n) narrowed her eyes when she heard Makoto and Laurent's voices become louder. "Salutations and greetings." She put on a half-hearted smile when they stared at the burning box behind her.

"(Y/n) I thought you stopped committing arson?" Makoto grabbed a hold of her shoulders and shook her hard. He knows that she has been trying to stop her addiction to setting things on fire, and knows when she had a goal set that was all her eyes could see "What happened to your goal Edumame junior?" Laurent asked before placing a hand on her shoulder which she shrugged away instantly.

"I burned it along with my problems," (Y/n) walked towards the fire and dumped a bunch of photos into the flames. Laurent sighed before grabbing (Y/n)'s waist my surprise "I know you're trying hard to resist the urges but please." The blonde buried his face in her neck but Makoto laughed awkwardly in the background causing them to look back at him.

"You are not falling for Laurent let's go." The Japanese snatched her away from Laurent who chuckled briefly before staring into the fire where he saw a picture of their dad burn and turn into ashes. Some of the cinders floated up in the air only to soft go back to rest in the burning flames.

-Time skip-

"Ugh I need to smoke." (Y/n) groaned while digging her nails into her skin in the bath tub. Her hair floated as the water engulfed her and made her feel in danger. The danger made her feel an excitement. But it wasn't the same feeling as being near fire. Maybe it was the thought of being eaten by inferno slowly.

(Y/n) was about peek up from the water but suddenly a hand was forcing her down in the water and like any person, (Y/n) panicked. The girl tried to get the hand off her head but the hand was entangled with her hair, making her pull out bits of her hair.

Soon enough though, (Y/n) was freed and  she splashed the person who almost drowned her "What the fuck dude?" She cursed at whoever they were.

Laurent's upper half was soaking wet and he didn't really appreciate it but he just laughed and splashed her back, which didn't work cause she was already wet. "Asshole why did you almost kill me?" (Y/n) glared at him after sitting on he knees in the bath tub. "You weren't responding to my calls so I got you back to reality." The Frenchman sighed after starting to remove his Hawaiian shirt. "Don't you dare—"

Laurent got into the bath tub which made (Y/n) move to the opposite side of the tub "Get out of the tub." The blonde just ignored her and relaxed into the lukewarm water. "You wouldn't be uncomfortable if you come sit with me," (Y/n) hugged her knees before going to lean on his chest. "Isn't that better?"

Laurent lifted her chin and kissed her cheek "Why are you so fidgety ma Cherie?" His hands wandered and found them at her waist "All people would blush when some bastard would come uninvited to their bath!" (Y/n) exclaimed after she wiggled out of Laurent's grip.

"Did I really come uninvited?" Every time he moved an inch closer to her, (Y/n)'s face grew redder and redder. "Go away." She told him which only resulted in him planted kisses on her collarbone and neck. "You know I wonder why you always push everyone away when you clearly need someone to make—

Makoto stormed into the bathroom with red stains on his face and beads of sweat dripping down his face "(Y/n) I need your lighter where is it?" Makoto stopped for a second seeing Laurent and his sister in a bath tub, naked and close to each other. "Get the fuck out of the bath tub."

 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒;; Great Pretender Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora