A rough day

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After Marinette went home and she fed Franklin, she go to her room and she look at her wall of her pictures of Adrien, she sighed and looked away too. She knows what she has to do.
Tikki: Don't be sad, Marinette. I know things was not what you were hoping for you and Adrien, but it's not the end of the world.
Marinette: I know it's not. What other choice do I have? I confessed to him, he rejected me and you heard him he's in love with someone else. Eventually I'll let it go and move on from my obsession with him. *She get out of bed and get a small box and start taking them down and stuffing them in the box, she take down the chart of his schedule and throw it in the trash, then she go to her computer and take down her wallpaper screen and replace with a Chinese wallpaper.* There. *She put a lid on her box and throw it in the trash.*
Tikki: That's a lot of stuff.
Marinette: This is just part of me moving on. And I'll have to accept it. This is only temporary. *Then, she get her phone out and delete pictures of Adrien and freed up space on her phone. And she go to her diary and write it down.* "Dear Diary, today I confessed to my (former) lover Adrien. Unfortunately, it didn't end well. He rejected me and told me he's in love with someone else. It's time that I accept it and be a better person- even if it hurts to see it. But the pain will go away. Right now I'm doing the steps of moving on from your crush. So far I did step one: Getting rid of your crush. I keep a lot of pictures of Adrien, have a time table of his schedule, and delete my pictures of him. Wonder what else I would do to move on from my crush on him- even if he doesn't see me more than a friend." *Soon, her phone ringed. She get it out and look at it. It's Alya calling her, she answer the call.*  Hello?
Alya: Hey. How you feeling?
Marinette: Still upset, but I'll be okay.
Alya: Man, that sucks. Don't worry, I have a feeling golden boy is gonna feel a whole lotta regret for what he did.
Marinette: Will he?
Alya: Sure. Lots of people get like that whenever they reject a person. He'll feel it soon. Give it a day and see what happens.
Marinette: I would love to see that. *Soon, phone beeped.* Hold on, I got another call waiting. *She looked at the next caller, blow in a hole, it's Adrien.* Ugh. Not now. *She hang up on his call.* Sorry about that, it was Adrien trying to talk to him.
Alya: You're not gonna talk to him, are you?
Marinette: After today, no. Might have to avoid him for a few days.
Alya: Alright. But you can't avoid him forever, he's gonna find out what's going on.
Marinette: Give it a few days, a week if he approaches and act like nothing's going on.
Alya: You do you, girl. I know this is hard for you, but we're all here to help you.
Marinette: I know just... not at the moment.
Alya: I get it. Clear your head first and then you decide what you wanna do.
Marinette: Yeah. Talk to you later. *She hang up and go back to her diary entry writing.*

In Adrien's room, Adrien looked at his phone and he looked at his phone, Marinetti hung up on him.*
Adrien: She hung up on me. What did I do? Maybe I should call her again.
Plagg: Obviously she's busy and don't have time to talk to you. And newsflash: You rejected her.
Adrien: I can't be in love with Marinette, she's my friend. If I do that, then it might ruin our friendship. My love is for Ladybug.
Plagg: (If you only know who she is.) Like I said, she's probably busy and don't have time to talk. Try talking to her tomorrow.
Adrien: Maybe you're right. I wanna give her something. As an apology.
Plagg: I wonder where this will lead to. *Adrien go to his desk and write a note and he planned to go to a flower shop and get a bouquet of roses for her.* This is gonna end badly, I know it.

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