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She still remembers it. The lifeless body of her brother Loki as Thor carried him back from the fight. How devastated she was and how useless she felt to not be able to bring him back. It was a horrible feeling one that she never wanted to relive but yet one that frequently came when she had nightmares of it. 

Currently she was in one now. A nightmare. Theses happened at least once a month. Right when she was feeling like she was finally getting over her brothers death, a new one came. It was the same recurring one as well. And once she woke up, the cycle would repeat. Feeling good for a couple of weeks and then Bam a nightmare of her brothers death.

That day was filled with sorrow.  Thor came running with Loki in his arms looking for Alhena to try and she if she could revive him. The look on her face when Thor found her was pure horror. Just in that week, her mother had died and now her brother. She tried her best to save him and bring him back. But alas you can't revive someone who's already alive and is playing dead.

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The girl sprung up, awoken from her nightmare. Catching her breath she notice someone next to her. It was Pietro.

"Are you ok." He rushed trying to see if she was fine now that she had finally gotten up. Pietro had heard screams coming from her room and decided to see if she was ok. That's when he noticed that she was have a nightmare. He decided to try and wake her up but she wasn't budging. After 3 minutes she woke up, which startled him.

"N-no." She whispered breaking down crying. Her nightmares were bad but never this bad. If she was being honest, all she wanted right now was her brother to be alive or to have her other one comfort her but life doesn't always give you what you want.

Pietro quickly hugged her trying to comfort her, which was working. Her cry's began to quiet down. He to had had nightmares. Ones about his parents or the time he and his sister had spent in hydra. They were very traumatic just like hers.

The two sat in silence as Pietro comforted her. Eventually the two started getting tired, as it was 3 in the morning and they were both waken up out of their sleep. Soon enough Alhena drifted of to sleep and Pietro followed behind her.

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When the girl woke up she was greeted with soft snores. She felt an arm tangled around her as well as legs. Opening her eyes she noticed a man was in her bed. That man being Pietro.

As she was trying to sit up she was stopped by a force. It being Pietro arm. He had a strong hold on her and it didn't look like he was letting go anytime soon. Facing him she noticed how peaceful he looked. As she took in his features she could see that he was truly a peace of art. Deciding that she was looking for to long she tried to wake him up.

Eventually he woke up. As he did he noticed her poking him. Not only that but he noticed his arm around her and quickly took it off. He sat up and asked her if she was ok to which she replied yes.

"So do you want to talk about it" the boy questioned. It helped him talking to Wanda about his nightmares so he thought that it would probably help her as well.

"Talk about what?" the girl asked in confusion.

"You're nightmares." He told her as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Oh that um I don't know. I never really talk about them to people other than Thor." She answered truthfully staring down at her white comforter.

"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything it's just that I also have nightmares and when I talk about them to my sister, it helps." He explained to her.

"No no I mean it wouldn't hurt to tel someone right." Which is exactly what she did.

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