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The sound of tires scraping against the road cause me to look up from the book I were currently reading. It was the Devenford Prep Highschool coach. I realized I wasn't the only one who noticed it, Liam was storming over to the group of tall teenagers. I ran over standing by Liam side making sure he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"I just wanted to say..." He ba]began and then raised a hand for Brett to shake, "have a good game"

Laughs broke out from the crowd of preppy students.

"That's cute Liam, is that what they told you to say in anger management? Apologize and everything fine? You demolished coach's car." Brett snapped at him.

"Hey hey. Brett don't do this now, just go take you and your fellas over to the field and leave him alone. " I said calmly placing a hand onto his upper arm.

"Oh, so you're siding with him now? After everything we've been through together." He added looking down at me.

"Wait you know him?" Liam asked.

"Brett why are you acting like he's just killed, someone! I'm not taking sides okay I'm just saying take a step back and sort this a different way." A sigh escaped my lips.

"He put a crowbar into coach's car!"

"I paid for it." Liam growled, he reeked of anger and blood. Wait, blood?

His nails were dug into the palm of his hands causing blood to be drawn out. I turned around to see Scott and Stiles stood in the distance, I signalled for them to come over and help.

"Yeah you're gonna pay for it, we're gonna break you in half out there and it's gonna be all your fault."

As he had said that, the two nutjobs came running over to us directing Liam to the boys' locker room.

"Whoa whoa whoa, let's go. " Scott said.

"Hey, what's going on prep students? Welcome to our little public highschool how you doing? Stiles. " He then raised his hand just like Liam had done also getting rejected, "That's a firm handshake you got there. Uh, we're very excited for the scrimmage tonight but let's keep it clean um no rough stuff out there tonight. All right, see you out on the field."

Stiles had finally given up giving us a chance to go follow both Liam as Scott but as I went to I was pulled behind the coach.

"What's your problem Y/n?" Brett said to me with a harsh tone.

"What's my problem? I should be asking you that! " I snapped back at him.

"How do you even know Liam? I've never told you about him."

"Exactly, you never told me about him. I thought we never kept secrets."

"Why would I need to tell you that, it was just some stupid thing he did and don't ignore my question. "

"Are you hearing yourself, 'It was just some stupid thing he did' why are you bothering to argue with him then." silence filled the air.

"I met him on my first day of school, happy?" I muttered

"Are you friends with him? Do you like him more? Have you both got something going on?"

"Omg just stop with the ridiculous questions, you reek of jealousy I can smell it from a mile away! What have you got against him anyways other than from what he did to the car."

"I just don't like him okay. I don't want to lose you, and I especially don't want him to cause that to happen. I'm sorry."

I could tell he regretted what show he'd put on, I could tell he was getting nervous. He was just frustrated, so I didn't say anything else instead I just wrapped my arms around his torso placing my head against his chest. I could feel his body relax and soon as I did.


I was now running towards the boys' locker room to check if they were alright and not dead from Liams scene and they there were crouched on the floor with a soaking Liam under one of the showers.


We shoved the beta under the cold showers with every bit of strength, his bright amber eyes glowing and sharp flesh-eating fangs roaring like they were ready to eat us alive. He was finally able to calm down, that was when I noticed Y/n wasn't even here with us but I hadn't said anything to them.

I bet she was talking to that Brett kid, is that who she was always on call with? I couldn't help but feel so jealous about it. I know this sounds bad, but I hope she doesn't forgive him for what he did then maybe she'd lose interest in him.

Suddenly the door to the locker room slams open, Y/n running inside.

"Uh hey guys?" She said but it sounded more like a question.

"Where were you?" I asked her worried.

"I was with uh, Brett. I was with Brett. He just wanted to apologize for acting like an ass." She stuttered.

"And you forgive him? " Liam joining the conversation.

"No, I never said that. Anyways what even happened? He never told me about this."

"The car, it was also my coach's he benched me for the whole season."

"What an ass." Y/n mutters, I gave her a look.

"What did you do?" Scott asked.

"I got a couple of red cards."

"Just a couple?" I said leaning against the brick wall, Y/n returns the look I gave her.

"You've gotta be honest with us, what else happened?"

"Nothing" He said nothing for a few minutes, "I got kicked out of school, they sent me to a psychologist for evaluation. "

"What did they call it?"

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder."

"I.E.D? You're literally an I.E.D? That's great. You gave superpowers to a walking time bomb" I said putting my thumb up but shutting up as soon as she elbowed me in my side.

Scott ignored us, "Did they give you anything for it?"

"Risperdal. It's an antipsychotic."

"Oh this just gets better" Muttering to myself.

(My choice of words right now is lowww sorry for the use of 'aksed questioned added muttered over and over again)

"But I don't take it "


"I can't play lacrosse on it. It makes me too tired."

"Okay I think you should bail out of the game."

"What, but he's our best player!" I heard Y/n yell from the other side.

"No, no!" He stood up from his original sitting position, his shoes squeaking on the floor. "I can do this, especially if sh-you guys are there." Was he about to say 'she' as in Y/n. My chances are so low right now! Why does everybody like her god!

Sorry if there's a bunch of typos right now I'm really tired lmao.

Date- 26//02//21

Time- 02:36

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