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Dear Diary,

My name is Y/n McCall and tomorrow I'm moving back to the one place I didn't think I'd be going back to, Beacon hills. I will be starting school at Beacon Hills High school the day after arriving there and I'm scared... No not the feeling when your're scared you might drop your books in front of everyone it's different. I am a werewolf. A true alpha but I'm still unsure on who turned me. What if I accidentally lash out on someone and everyone finds out the type of monster I am. I use to go to Devenford Prep but it was way easier then, I had my best friend with me Brett Talbot. He would help me during shifts but since I'm moving he can't come down every full moon so I'm not sure how well it's going to go... I haven't been a werewolf long I'm still growing into it but maybe it wont be as bad as I think.

Brett's taught me how to keep my scent hidden meaning any other werewolves around me wont be able to sniff me out aha. Maybe there's more werewolves in Beacon Hills, eh I doubt it. I haven't met my brother in years boy this is going to be awkward, I can't wait to see stiles though I miss him so much I miss him everyday. I hope he still remembers me... Anyways its currently 11:12pm and I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow


I was lay on my stomach with my legs swinging in the air behind my head. I sat up normally at the edge of my bed and closed my diary placing it in a box i had packed for moving. I jumped into my bed pulling the sheets over my body then reached over to my lamp switching it off. As soon as my head hit my pillow, I was out.


My alarm went off ringing through my head, I tried reaching for it but instead I ended up falling out of bed onto the cold wooden floor making a massive thud noise. *I seriously can't be bothered today* I thought to myself but still got out of bed preparing a shower. Although I didn't have anything other then moving planned I decided to put a tiny bit of effort into my outfit. I put on a pair of blue baggy jeans, a white hoodie with a red flannel on top and my vans.

"Y/n hurry up or we're going to be late!" my dad shouted, also known as Rafe McCall.

I shouted back telling him I'd be done in 10 minutes. Quickly applied my mascara, put my black beanie on, grabbed my phone and earphones and hurried downstairs to then help my dad carry the boxes and my bag into his car. Getting into the car myself I plugged my earphones into my phone and played my playlist I have downloaded onto my phone. I dozed off to sleep for a while until I was woken up from the sound of my phone ringing. Slowly opening my eyes I noticed the caller ID, Brett.


Hey wassup

What do you mean 'hey wassup' you left without visiting me to say bye!

Sorry pretty boy i was in a hurry we had to get there before my dads shift.

It's fine don't worry about it just make sure to visit me sometimes.

You know I will, anyways I have to go we've just arrived... I'm really nervous I haven't seen them for years and now I'm just showing up at their front door, god who thought this was a good idea.

hey hey you'll be fine, you've got this okay now go .

okay *exhales* cya *ends the call*

I walk up to the front of the house with my dad and my bag over my shoulder whilst I'm biting at my nails. He knocks on the door three times before it slowly opens revealing my mum with a big smile on her face. I guess she happy to see me? Well that's a relief.

-Scotts pov-

I was sat the dining table eating a bowl of cereal since I had woken up half an hour ago and was hungry until I heard a car pull up right in front of the house. I listened in to hear a girl around my age having a conversation with a boy on the phone the girl having a familiar voice just more mature from the last time I heard it. I was curious on who it was and why they are here so early in the morning, mum always tells me when visitors are coming so why didn't she now. A few moments later there's a knock on the door, obviously me wanting to know who it was I ran to the door to see mum already stood there chatting with... my dad.

*What's he doing here!* I thought to myself but instead of saying it aloud I decided to take a closer look. I saw a girl who looked really familiar must've been the girl on the phone. She had brown puppy eyes and h/c wavy hair. My mum turned around quickly saying "surprise" but I just looked at her confused. It took me a moment until I realize. Y/n... She ran into my arms and we stood there hugging for a couple of minutes in silence. Not an awkward silence but a peaceful silence.

"oh god Scott when was the last time you showered you smell like wet dog" she says parting the hug and fake gagging. We both burst into a laugh.

My mum had asked me to help Y/n bring her boxes upstairs so I was doing that maybe we could have time to catch up. I was going to help her unpack as well but as I went to grab something out of the box that was on top of her bed she slapped my hand away and I'm pretty sure i heard her growl? I'm sure it was nothing though. Well I'm hoping so.

-Y/n pov-

Scott was helping me unpack my boxes when I noticed he went grab the box with my diary and sketch books. I quickly went over and without thinking I slapped his hand away and growled. *shit. I growled. fuck fuck fuck he's going to think I'm some fucking weirdo now* Instead of saying anything I stayed quiet and placed the box under my bed. By then the silence had gotten awkward.

"Thanks for helping me, and sorry about that-"I muttered softly but loud enough for him to hear.

"Um, no problem and don't worry about it if you need me I'll be in my room" He replies whilst rubbing the back of his neck then walks out of the room.

That's when I plopped onto my bed and sigh.

"Well done Y/n now your brother thinks your a complete freak" I say quietly to myself

Ok my first chapter what did you think!? My grammar probably isn't the best sorry.

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