i stared in awe at the display in front of me.

"jeez m/n, you really outdid yourself" aren complimented.

she laughed and came over to us.

"it's a thank you for taking care of y/n. well, more like putting up with her." she said as i scoffed.

"rude" i mumbled and walked to my seat.

"oh? someone else is here. y/n get it." she announced.

"mom, this is everyone i don't kn-"  there was a slight knock on the door as i groaned and stood up.

'don't be saiki and teruhashi, don't be saiki and teruhashi....' i mentally repeated as i turned the handle.


"hi y/n! thanks so much for inviting us. kusuo and i are starving after our day together." the blue haired girl thanked before i let them in.

"don't call me that" saiki told her before walking in behind her. m

my eyes stayed glued to my feet as i walked to my seat.

'they totally fuc-'

"it's so good to see you all again! i'm not sure i've met you two." my mom said before introducing herself to the newest guests.

the table sat me, aren, shun, kusuo, riki, teruhashi, my mother, and chiyo.

teruhashi introduced herself in her usual nice way as she spoke for saiki as well. while she spoke his name, my mom looked over at me to see my upset expression.

chiyo and my mother were practically friends, her and aren are basically the only ones my mom can be around without needing me for moral support.

the table was filled with all sorts of foods. we blesed the food before going it and ate up.

aren nudged me.

"don't look so sad, at least your with your mom again" he whispered, attempting to cheer me up.

"thanks, you're right" i smiled before digging into my food.


after a while of eating, talking, and laughing, everyone had finished their meal. they all thanked my mother one by one as she ate up the compliments.

it was only me, aren, shun, saiki, and teruhashi.

"thank you so much for the meal miss l/n, but i should be heading out now. kusuo, want me to walk you home?" the bluette turned to him as he spoke.


she only laughed and walked out, but not before kissing my moms ass even more. 

"y/n, why don't you show them what you did to your room, huh." my mom said proudly since she had helped me redo it.

"no mom, that's weird." i stared at her.

she gave me the death look before i stood up and scurried up the stares, as the boys followed me.

i opened the door welcomed them into my chamber.

"it's not that different. my moms just proud because when i was gone she spent a bunch of money on me since she felt bad" i scratched the back of my head as they looked around the room. it was dark out now so the room looked more illuminated from all the lights and projectors.

"it's definitely cooler than last time i was in here" aren added as he sat on the bed, kaidou following as i went to take a seat on the huge bean bag while to my surprise, kusuo sat next to me. knees touching. you could say i was close to dying.

"wanna play mario kart?" i asked the group.

"yeah!" the two boys screamed as saiki nodded which made me smile at his participation.

i set the wii up as we all had a controller. i obviously took the f/c one.

aren played as bowser. shun played as diddy kong. kusuo played as shy guy as i played as (the character u chose)

we spent a while playing and screaming at eachother; even when saiki stayed silent he was pretty good at the game. aren's face when i threw a shell at him could be put in a museum.

at the end, i won as i was the fucking best.

"you all suck!" i cheered myself on.

after playing a couple more rounds, it was already late so they had to go. my mom welcomed them to sleep in the guest room but they insisted the dinner was enough but they were thankful.

kusuo left first, so i walked him out since i decided to grow some balls and the gays encouraged me.

"thanks for coming, hopefully i didn't ruin your day with teruhashi." i spoke up as we stood in front of the door.

"if anything you saved me." he said.

"really? your mom made it seem like you were on a date or something" i laughed.

'you're so not slick bitch'

he simply shook his head before saying something else.

"do you believe in supernatural stuff." he asked.

"sure" i answered.

"the stories had to come from somewhere, right." i continued.

nodding, he pat my head before saying a quick 'bye' and walking off

i ran inside to tell the boys what had happened but they had watched my lame excuse of 'progress' through the window and face palmed.


║alien friend ║(saiki k x fem!reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt