When Madi heard the bathroom door close, she instantly started laughing. "Dude isn't that your robo-babe from school?" Benny asked, running up to stand beside Ethan. "Yes. I guess Erica couldn't come, so she sent her instead." Ethan mumbled as Madi walked passed the two, placing all of the snacks on the counter. Benny gasped, a huge smile growing on his face. "So she's like a... substitute babe?" Madi rolled her eyes, turning to Benny. "Dude." "Sweet!" Benny cheered and Ethan shook his head. "No, no. Not sweet. Jeez, could you be less of a geek for once?"

Madi rolled her eyes, opening the bag of marshmallows and plopping one in her mouth. "Oh, yeah. This coming from the guy who looks like he pooped his pants from the front." She said, making Benny look towards Ethan's pants and immediately started laughing. "Nice job, by the way."

"It's Fudgsicle!" Ethan cried and Benny rolled his eyes. "Anyway, let's order some 'zza. I'm starving." Benny mumbled, quickly typing a number into his phone. "Hey. It's me. Give me the usual, and supersize that puppy. I'm next door. It's, uh, exactly 7:19, and you have 30 minutes or it's free. Engage!" Benny quickly hung up and Madi put her hand to her mouth, covering her laugh. Benny turned to her, sending her a 'what?' look as Ethan came back over.

"All right, dude. This new Galactica spin-off is on tonight, and we should totally.... Okay, what's up?" Madi leaned over the counter so she could hear Ethan better of Jane's Just Dance game on the TV. "I just saw Sarah. She was she was in front of the mirror, but not in it!" Ethan said and Madi furrowed her brows as Benny looked at Ethan as if he was crazy. "Okay, hold up. How much aftershave did you drink?"

"Dude, I'm serious! Her reflection was all wonky. She's not normal, okay? She's like a-" "Hey, look. You guys don't really need a sitter, do you?" Sarah asked, walking out of the bathroom. "Depends on what you mean by 'need'." Benny said, sending Sarah a smirk. Madi whacked Benny's arm, making him wince as Ethan turned to Sarah, sending her a reassuring smile.

"No, no, we're fine. My mom just likes humiliating me to make a point." Sarah sighed, nodding her head. "Okay, good.I need to find my friend, Erica. I think she's in trouble." Madi immediately straightened up. "Wait- What happened to Erica?"

Sarah turned to Madi and shook her head. "Nothing. She's just doing something she shouldn't." "Uh, maybe I should come with you. You know, for protection." Ethan suggested and Madi snorted, making Benny giggle.

Sarah dropped something on the ground and when Ethan picked it up for her, he gasped, making Madi give him a weird look. He was really starting to embarrass her in front of her older friends.

Sarah let out a nervous laugh, patting Ethan's shoulder. "Trust me, you don't want to go out tonight. Besides, save those muscles for protecting yourself. Uh Later, guys." Sarah walked out of the house and Madi sighed. "Wow, smooth."

"You get a mad-hot babe here, and you have to immediately go and weird her out. Well done." Benny said as Madi nodded. "Very impressed."

"I'm telling you, I just saw something. Okay, she's not normal, and I'm going to find out what's going on." Ethan said, going to walk out the door and Madi was quick to follow him. "Not without me you're not. She's looking for Erica."

Benny, realizing now he technically had to go, sighed. "Fine. Undercover brother's +one female brother on a mission. I like it. But aren't you forgetting something?"

Madi turned back to see what Benny was talking about and her eyes landed on Jane, making Madi make an 'o' shape with her mouth. "Yeah. What are you forgetting?" Jane sassed and Madi hit Benny's shoulder. "Get your grandma. Go. Go."

Benny ran out the door and not even a mere two minutes later, he was back with his grandma. "Thanks, Grandma! You're a lifesaver." Benny said as his grandma opened her arms out for a hug from Madi which the teen girl instantly gave her. "Any time, dear."

Forever Young | Rory KeanerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora