7: Cheer Up, Star.

Start from the beginning

"I've never seen this guy before." You say, pointing at man arm.

"You mean you've never met Man Arm?" Ludo asks.

*Man Arm turns to the left to reveal his human-like left arm.*

"Hey." Man arm says.

"Surely you know Spikeballs." Ludo said.

"Well, we were never formally introduced." Spikeballs said, then walks up to you and you shake hands.

"Now that you all know each other... Get the wand!" Ludo says, yelling the last part.

*Ludo's monsters charge in to attack. Star blasts Man Arm with Rainbow Fist Punch, causing him to drop you. Star, you and Marco team up against the monsters. Star makes a war axe for you with her wand, and jumps high into the air.*

"Honeybee Tornado Swarm!" Star says, covering most monsters in pollen and bees, the bees then sting the monsters.

"You were right, (Y/n), Marco! I'm totally cheered up! Star says, blasting Big Chicken.

"I don't even care if Oskar calls!" Star says.

*Marco's phone rings.*

Seriously? Just after Star said she didn't care anymore? Are we living in a cartoon or something? You think.

(Sorry for the 4th wall break lol.) (Not really sorry though.)

"Ugh, what is that terrible ringtone?" Ludo says after hearing Marco's ringtone.

"It's not terrible!" You say, lunging for Ludo.

"It's supposed to be ironic!" Marco yells.

"It's Oskar!" Star says.

"Well, talk to him then." You say.

"Oh, right-right-right-right-right!" Star says, answering the phone.

"Hello?" Star says.

(Is it realistic if the Reader can hear the conversation?) (Also, please help me think of a good reason as to why the Reader is staying over at the Diaz family's house, because i need a new reason for it.)

*Oskar responds something you can't hear.*

"Thank you for calling. No, I mean—Hiiii." Star says.

*Oskar responds something you can't hear.*

"So what are you..." Star says, While Oskar says something you can't hear.

"Oh, I-I-I'm sorry, I interrupted you." Star says, then Bearicorn roars into Star's ear.

*Star slowly turns to bearicorn.*

"Ugh!" Star says, then turns back to the phone. "Oskar, can you hold on for, like, one second?" Star says, then turning back to the monsters.  "Hey! I am on the phone! You monsters are so rude!" Star yells, angry. You quickly make your way behind Star, not wanting to be in the blast radius of whatever Star is going to fire next.

*Star jumps up, pulling you with her, out of the blast radius of her spell, this time you're gratefull that Star keeps dragging you with her.*

"Syrup Tsunami Shockwave!" Star yells, sending huge waves of pancakes, waffles and maple syrup over the screaming and running monsters. (and Marco.)

*You and Star land back on the ground, you quickly move away to give Star some privacy while she is on the phone.*

"Sorry about that." Star says to Oskar.

"Cool." Star says.

"Cool." Oskar says.

(Yes this time the Reader was close enough to hear it.)

"Cool." Star says again.

"...Okay, bye. I like your phone voice." Star said, hanging up afterwards.

"Sticky. All sticky." A two headed minion said.

"Mmm, thanks, (Y/n), Marco. You did know just how to cheer me up. And Oskar called anyway! Hugs!" Star said, pulling you and Marco into a group hug.

*You all get stuck because of the maple syrup.*

*The bike guy from Marco's bad day passes by, then stops to laugh at you, Marco and Star. You glare at the bike guy, and he stops laughing and drives away.*

Aaand done! Sorry that it's a bit shorter than normal, but i didn't feel like writing all those flashbacks. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading! Suggestions are always welcome! Have a nice day/night!


(Should i make a chapter where i put thanks to people that come up with good idea's for my book?)

Time spent writing: Two and a half hours.

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