chapter 8 interrogation

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"umm well I don't ummm so uh." sans said clearly trying to change the subject with something.

I would not let him do that he needed closure and him opening up would be that closure well as long as the resets stop that is which is my secondary goal but not to just stop the resets to stop them when everyone is at the surface and happy and safe but the first step is sans so I will do anything at any means to get him open up to at least papyrus.

"alright that's it, prepare for a tickle monster!!" I screamed not giving a chance to sans to protest I knew he would not teleport in front of papyrus and us because we were strangers and he most likely would not want to show his cards to a possible threat he is after all going to be carful of all strangers now that the resets started who knows how long ago. 

"ah hehehe wait stop please I'll do anything hehehehe." he said desperately trying to get me and dream off. 

Papyrus looked dumfounded at our new way of permeation and joined in too. "we won't stop until you tell us what's wrong and don't lie we can tell when you lie based on your emotions." I said it was half true but if he could control his emotions to a certain degree we would not be able to tell if he was lying but I'm not telling him that. dream started to nod extremely fast agreeing with me. "yeah s so don't lie." dream said stuttering. heh at least he did not here the stuttering through his extremely loud laughter. "ok ok just stop please." he was wheezing after we stoped he tried to use this chance to say he was fine again but I toke out a feather and he immediately shut up. "sooooo what's wrong?" dream questioned. 

sans looked conflicted on wether to say anything or not. "we can't help if you don't tell us what's wrong brother." papyrus said in a soothing tone.

"sigh...well I guess I can tell you 'mumble' you'll forget anyway." he said the last part quietly that only I could hear.

"what was that last part brother?" papyrus questioned. 

"yeah what did you say?" dream asked questionably too. 

"oh uh nothing I should tell you now huh." sans said his lazy grin forming on his face.

"mhm." I nodded.

"ok here goes nothing..." sans started.

sorry not very good at explaining things and would not know were to start with the whole genocide and resets soooooooooo time skip to after he explained. 

" so yeah that's what's making me 'sad' per say so uh pap?" sans asked worriedly to the sobbing papyrus and dream. 'I was not crying your crying im just 'sniff' leaking through my eyes and nose?'

"its just so sad my brother is going through such tough times and I was 'sniff' not there nhohohohoh im such a bad brother maybe I'm not so amazing after all." papyrus said sadly.

"what no pap you aren't a bad brother its my fault for not telling you sooner so don't cry please? you too kiddos." sans said in a kind tone.

"I'm not crying you are!!!!!" I said trying to stop the rest of the tears or uh I mean leaking.

"yeah 'sniff' were not cryyahhhh its just so sad wahhhhh." dream just started to ball his eyes out.

another time skip to after the crying and denial.

"I'm going to go and punch a human be right back!" dream said in a way too cheery voice it concerned both papyrus and sans.

"Wait kid!" sans tried to stop dream but he already shut the door.

"did he miss the part were sans said the human is coming in a week from now or?" papyrus said concerned. I just shrugged.

Reincarnated as nightmare sans from DreamtaleWhere stories live. Discover now