28- Party's Over

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Mercedes's hand shook a little as she lifted the glass of water to her lips while her eyes glued to Sterling. Hudson noticed her trembling and leaned to her ear. "Relax, sweetheart. I'll be right by your side the entire time we're here."

"What if your father or brother tries pulling me away from you?"

"They won't," Hudson assured. "I'll make damn sure of it."

Mercedes thought back to when they entered the building and how Cassidy greeted them. First with Hudson, then how she greeted her and sighed. "What if Cassidy pulls you away from me?"

Hudson spit his drink back into his glass and choked as he spoke, "I won't let her. Why do you think she'll do that?" He asked, wiping his mouth. "I thought we went over this already. She wants nothing to do with me, and I've never wanted anything to do with her. She's married to my cousin, which is a huge no-no."

Mercedes eyed Cassidy. She looked from Cassidy to Hudson, then back to Cassidy, and as she studied Cassidy's face, she didn't care for the look in her eye. She saw the look of lust in his eyes, and she wasn't sure if it was for her or Cassidy. She also noticed the look of hate in Cassidy's eyes as she eyed her and Hudson, and it made her stomach feel queasy. "Well, look at her now. She's eyeing you like you two are an item, and by the way, she's looking at me is a look that I stole you away from her. Why is that, Hudson? Is there something you're not telling me?"

Hudson set his drink on the bar, and then he stepped in front of Mercedes, removed the glass of water from her hand, and set it on the bar. He curled his finger underneath her chin and lifted for her eyes to meet with his. "Mercedes, there has never been anything between us. Why she's acting like a jealous girlfriend or an ex-girlfriend is beyond me. We have never been together. Ever... if she has feelings for me that I wouldn't know, I don't care because I would never hook up with her. She's not my type, and again, she's married to my cousin. That right there is off-limits. Besides that, I'm in love with you, and I would never do anything behind your back. I'm not a cheater. Never have been, and I never will be a man who cheats on a woman they love."

"You've never been a cheater because you never settled down with one woman."

"That's not true. I was with a woman once. Someone I cared deeply for, and never did I ever hook up with a woman while I was with her. And to be honest. I'm glad we never worked out; otherwise, I wouldn't be standing here, having this conversation with you. Don't worry about Cassidy. She's most likely upset about who I fell in love with. Which is a beautiful woman like you, who has a huge golden heart." He leaned forward and smirked, "If you think about it. I did fall for a homeless lover. As I played the homeless guy for a bit, so think of it that way. You fell in love with me," he smiled while pressing his lips to hers. "Now. Let's enjoy a little of why we're here, then go back to my cottage where I can devour your sweet luscious body."

Sterling wanted to approach Hudson and Mercedes, curious to see what was going on between them. He looked to the side of him, noticed Kaiden hitting on a couple of women, and groaned while shaking his head. Feeling mad that Kaiden was looking to lay some women, he angrily walked up behind him and smacked him upside the back of his head. "You idiot. We got other fish to fry. Now let's go see how well Hudson's doing with working on our girl."

Kaiden rubbed the back of his head as he embarrassingly looked at the two ladies he thought he'd be leaving with later in the evening, and boyishly smiled. "I've got some business to take care of. I'll be back in a little bit. Don't you two beautiful ladies go anywhere."

Sterling smacked the back of Kaiden's head again and groaned. "No, you won't be."

"Will you quit smacking me like that? You're fucking embarrassing me," Kaiden snapped.

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