25- All out

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"If you want to punch my face and stomach, that's fine. But can you please leave my cock and balls out of this? They're innocent," Hudson begged while keeping his unit covered.

Mercedes looked him I'm the eye, then her hand raised from the table, and she pointed at him. "They may be innocent, but I, too, am innocent. I haven't deserved any of what's going on. So, if you don't finish telling me everything you know, then I'll hurt your prized jewels by causing them the same feeling as to how I am feeling right now because as of this very moment, I feel like I've been punched in the gut and beaten to death for no fucking reason at all."

Hudson knew she was innocent and knew she deserved to know everything. He stood from his chair, reached for her glass, and sighed, "I'll refill your drink before I tell you everything that I know. Not that I want to get you drunk, but because I know what I have to confess to, you're going to want something to help keep you calm and relaxed."

"I'm a big girl. I'm sure I can handle whatever you're about to tell me. So, start talking."

Hudson walked into the kitchen, set her glass on the counter, then reached for the whiskey bottle, an opened can of soda, and started talking as he mixed Mercedes a drink. "You said to me the other day; you feel everything that is happening lately is intentional. I don't know this for sure, but I believe your recent hotel woes down in Arizona happened because of my father. Now, he claimed it wasn't him or Kaiden who done it, but I know he knows who did. And what I do know is that Kaiden was to meet with your father sometime after I met with the two of them that morning, and I had shown them the pictures of Kaiden destroying your hotel's pipes in Manhattan. I believe the one who set those fires to the generators and cut the power to your hotel was your father."

Mercedes's heart dropped, and a loud gasp escaped her lips, "My father?"

He walked back to the table, and before handing the drink to her, he stood still with the glass in his hand and sighed as he looked into her hurt eyes, "Yes—your father. My family is working with your family to help destroy you and get it so that you cave to my father and sell or merge with him, making him the sole business owner of both companies. I believe your father, brother, and uncles are working with my father. And I also feel the reasoning behind it is that they may have been promised a large chunk of money from my father if they help get him what he wants."

"I wouldn't do that to my grandfather," she hissed, taking the drink from Hudson's hand. "I promised him I would never give Sterling anything of his. And my grandfather basically told my family why he didn't give them anything while he was on his death bed."

"I know that, but they are dead set on making it, so you do cave. My father is very manipulative and what he wants. He always gets. And I mean always. He honestly believes because of how young you are; you'll eventually give up. And I want you to know; I will never allow that to happen," Hudson warned. He reached for the chair beside her, placed it by her, and sat.

Mercedes looked away from Hudson and to the drink in her hand after seeing the look in Hudson's eyes. She saw in his eyes that he was about to tell her more, that she wasn't going to like hearing. She lifted the glass, then took a long drink, making a face as the taste of the alcohol hit her taste buds.

"Too strong?"

"No. I think I may need it stronger by the look on your face right now."

"I can add more soda," he said, knowing she was lying.

"No. I want you to continue telling me all the bullshit you know. I can handle it."

Hudson knew what he was about to tell her; she was going to lose it. He took the glass out of her hand, set it on the table, then grabbed hold of her hands and had her face him. "What I'm about to tell you next, I want you to know, I have no part in this scheme, and to which I also refuse to take part of what my father is demanding that I do."

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