"What?" I pouted, dramatically.

"You've had enough to drink." Ian stated, rolling his eyes.

"I'll know when I've had enough, Ian! I'm barely drunk, in fact." I glared at him.

"What the hell are you even talking about, Quinn? You're drunk as hell!" Ian exclaimed.

"No, I'm not. I can walk properly and my speech isn't slurred at all." I snapped.

Okay, I'll admit, I was drunk. But I could recognise everyone's faces so it wasn't that big of a deal. Right?

"You're speech is slurred," Ian pointed out, staring at me matter-of-factly. "And you can't stand straight without holding onto someone for support." He eyes darted to my right arm, which was still holding Matt's arm.

"You're no fun," I hissed, walking away.

My eyes lit up as I spotted Kyle a few feet away from me.

"Kyle, do shots with me?" I said.

Kyle smirked and nodded, "Let's do shots, Quinn!"

So, maybe shots wasn't the best idea because my vision started blurring slightly. But I blinked to focus on things.

"You're damn chill, Quinn!" Kyle exclaimed, brightly.

"Is that good?" I slurred.

He nodded, "I can't remember when I had so much fun with a girl. Not that I like you or anything." He added, hurriedly. "Don't get the wrong idea."

"It's cool," I laughed, ignoring the headache that was beginning to form. "I don't like you like that, either, Kyle! But what's the deal with Kade?"

"Kade?" Kyle chuckled. "He hates blonde bimbos."

I frowned, "Angelica is blonde - well, okay, I'll admit, she isn't blonde today - but . . . she's definitely a bimbo. Plus, he-he can't just have a vendetta against anyone that has blonde hair, right?"

"It's because of his ex-best friend." Kyle shrugged.

My vision started blurring even more, and my headache wasn't getting any better but I was still going strong.

"What did he do?" I asked, wincing when I slurred most of my words together.



"Well, for one thing, she was a girl, so she not he." Kyle said, pushing himself off the wall he was leaning onto. "But Francesca is a taboo topic! In fact, I shouldn't be telling you anything."

"Wh-why . . . " I frowned, trying to form a coherent sentence. "Are telling you-me?"

I winced. That sentence didn't even make sense, right? But then again, nothing made sense at all. Kyle, however, seemed to grasp the meaning of the sentence, luckily.

"Cuz Imma drunk!" He suddenly yelled. "And he acts like a bitch that is PMSing!"

I burst out laughing. Well, drunk Kyle is fun to hangout with. Kyle seemed bored because he started making out with a random girl. I walked away, not really wanting to witness anything.

I was struggling to stand. My five inch heels just made walking so much harder than it already was.

"Hey, sexy!" A voice murmured, grabbing my waste. "Feel like doing something tonight?"

I nodded my head, not thinking properly, grabbed his arm and dragged him to dance. Within mere seconds, he crashed his lips against mine and I made no movement to push him away. I was drunk so what the hell? It's not like I was going to remember anything. However, I didn't exactly kiss back.

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