Update + Explanation

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Hey guys, sorry for the month long break. I wish I could come back with the next chapter completed, but I've already got ALOT on my plate right now. I'm currently struggling with alot of mental and physical health problems, drowning in both Highschool and college classes, balancing a job, dealing with some tough stuff from my past, and going through some medication. As I'm writing this, there is a real chance I may be institutionalized, or put into a medical ward. The way things are going, I may dissapear for a while, so i will leave you all with a few choices.

1, I have made contact with one of my readers who has been with me for a while. We talk every once in a while, and he seems to at least have a good understanding of the story, and some of the directions it will go in. In the case I disappear, i could consider giving him control of the story for a while. In the case I lose the ability to write, this might be a bit long term, but at least you all will have something to read, and the story would move forward. If possible, I would check up and keep in contact as much as I can.

2, We keep playing the waiting game.
I have 0 clue how long this will be, but I will EVENTUALLY come back. This could be in a week, or it could be for a few months. It's kinda all up in the air.

3, depending on how much time I have, I could force the story to a close, although it may be unsatisfying, but I'm not 100% sure this is possible.

I'm sorry this update may come out of nowhere, but some of my unhealthy habits have been brought to light, and I'm going through a really hard and painful time right now. I really, really wish this wasnt the case, as writing is what kept me calm and grounded for a while, and it was really nice while it lasted. It's been really hard for me to keep pretending like everything is fine, and everything is happy, but I cant do that anymore. I was hoping to at least finish the next chapter, but all I have is a rough draft, that isnt even complete yet.

-Ryan D

Feel free to comment what you would prefer I do here.

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