C.2: First Day

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My father comes into my room, again, and thinks for a bit. "Where did you apply to go to?"
I debate if I should tell him about UA. "Oh, uh, I'll tell you when you get back...?" He frowns and opens his mouth to object but then his phone starts ringing again. "What, Hizashi?" Probably his blonde friend, I'm guessing. "Why so last minute?" He probably has to go to a meeting. Haha, that's unfortunate, for him at least. "Fine." He hangs up and puts his phone back. "I'm going to the school earlier today. See ya, Shay." He turns and leaves the apartment. 

When he leaves, I find my new uniform that I hide in the bathroom and change into it. Knowing him, I'm probably going to have to show off my quirk. 

My hair is naturally black, like his, but ever since I was 5, I've had a mixture of dark, bright blue, turquoise slash aqua, and purple slash violet highlights. The back of my hair is like a long 'V', so I dyed the very end tips of the back a nice blonde. My hair is also naturally wavy and silky. I have nice curtain bangs, because of the internet, and some over-the-shoulder pieces. Because I've had the dye since I was 5, most people think it's natural, the only people who know it's dyed, are my closest friends and my family, along with Uncle Torshi. 

I redye it every 4 months in Texas because that's where I  got it dyed the first time. I'm a regular customer, every 4 months on the 20th. I kinda look like a fake, dream girl. 

My skin's a pale peach, which actually compliments my hair, and my eyes are a mixed shade of grey and light blue. I'm 5'7, so I'm kinda medium for a 15- year old. My dad says I'm still expected to be taller, so we'll see. I'm kinda skinny, but not to the point where you can see my ribs. 

I debate with what I should do with my hair, so I just keep it down and put my shoulder pieces over my, well, shoulder. I run it through a bit with my hands and switch to a brush. Unlike Aizawa, I like to keep mine nice and smooth. My curtain bangs are just an inch below my chin, but not enough to reach my shoulders, so it looks really nice. 

I put on some silver, blue butterfly earrings and my silver ring, which has a dark, deep blue, single jewel, along with a makeshift bracelet that matches the uniform. The bracelet is like those cheap, craft ones, but they still look nice. I put on a small, twine bracelet on the wrist with my gold one, for good measure. I have a gold necklace with butterflies on it, that has a mini diamond in it, as well. I got that from my father. (I actually have one with two pandas on it, lol.

As you can probably tell, I'm very fashionable, unlike my dad. 

I find my new Converse with a platform and put them on. I usually prefer my Hilfiger over them, but since they're already broke in, I'll use those as my gym shoes. 

I grab my backpack with my phone and charger because I can tell my friends are gonna blow up my phone, and examine my outfit in the mirror. I actually look pretty good. I go out of the apartment, after eating an apple and head towards the school. When I get there, I try my best to avoid any possible meeting areas so my father doesn't see me and figure at I'm here. I don't even know what class he teaches, so by any luck, I'll tell him after school. I can already tell this is going to be a great school year. 

Yet, I didn't know how wrong I was. 


I'm pretty earlier since I barely slept, so there are not many people here. 

A boy with blue hair walks up to me as I enter the classroom. "I'm Tenya Iida. Nice you meet you, fellow classmate." I look at him and shake his hand. "Yeah, hi, I'm, er, Shaya. The girl's friend you insulted a few weeks ago." I smile, a bit creepily. He takes a step back, "Ah, apologies. I had no right to say that about your brunette and other friend." He says, bowing. "It's fine, they figured you were a rule follower brat. It's pretty normal of them." He thinks for a moment. "So your name is Shaya? Last or first?", he asks. I just shrug, "Depends." Before he can say anymore, I walk to my seat. 

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