26 Marquis Charles Praxis

Start from the beginning

If she wanted to go to the southern convent then he would make sure that was where she went. He didn't want Olivia to ever come back.

He knew he needed to act fast, so he went to see the king regarding their reputation. The king was the cause of their reputation falling so low. He did not want it to be said that Marquis Charles Praxis raised his daughters to be wh0res. With Olivia out of the way, he had a plan to talk the king into a marriage with Graciella.

But when he went to talk to the king, the king readily agreed. He did not think that the king had planned it all. He thought that when Olivia seduced the king, she had also come up with this plan. The best way to cause devastation upon Graciella. Olivia would marry the man Graciella loves.

Unacceptable! Olivia should die before ever getting to the Castle. So he had gone to that filthy place and hired that filthy man. He abandoned Olivia to a dirty fate. She was a disgusting girl anyway. He was certain that the king was not the first one between Olivia's legs. If he were not related to her, he might have even succumbed to the temptress himself. (Not gonna lie, I threw up in my mouth a little when I wrote that.) That was why he made sure to hit Olivia everytime she was a temptation to himself. He was stronger than her.

He was almost giddy to have Olivia gone. He knew it would take a few hours, then she would be beneath those vile criminals. He would probably need to seek his own release when that happened. He would know when it happened.

But then, instead of word from his spy that Olivia had been delivered to her doom. He got a letter from the castle thanking him for Olivia's safe delivery to the castle. His spy came back shortly after he got the letter. He had been ambushed and knocked out before the carriage even got close to the forest.

This couldn't be real. What happened to his plan!? The king must have sent someone to protect her secretly. How long had that protection been there? How much did the king know?

Marquis Praxis panicked internally for the entire day. He silently wondered when the king would send his guards to arrest him for attempted murder of the kings fiance. But no one came. He was wondering what was going on. The king would easily be able to find evidence that he was the one responsible for hiring the rogue.

Then he remembered that he had paid the rogue to put the blame on Lady Lowenheim. She was so close to the king, surely she would be the one who wanted Olivia dead the most.

By the end of the night he had convinced himself that if the king knew anything he would have already been arrested. Yes. He was ok. He didn't have to worry. The rogue must have done his job well. It would only be a matter of time until Lady Lowenheim would be arrested.

He knew he was not allowed to visit Oliva per the king's orders. He had to come up with an excuse to see the king. This way he could get into the castle and see her. Then he could convince her to leave the king somehow. He knew the king was cold toward everyone. He wasn't yet married to Olivia, so surely he would treat her that same way he had treated his first wife. King Adarian had ignored his first wife, how he managed to spend enough time with her to create an heir he would never know. It was a good thing she died in that accident so that the little creature couldn't be born.

This opened the path to Graciella becoming the queen. He knew his daughter loved the king. Though he thought the king didn't have a personality, his daughter was infatuated. He just knew someone as lovely as his Graciella could melt the stone heart of the king.

But for Graciella to marry King Adarian... Olivia had to go. Olivia was so calculative. Maybe the king would get tired of her the moment he spent just a little time with her. He needed to convince them both that this union was not the right choice. He had to. This was for the sake of Graciella marrying into the crown.



A few days had passed since Olivia was taken to the castle. He hadn't come up with a good excuse that would get him to see the king. So far all of his visits had been turned down at the door. While he went he overheard the men who came out of their meeting with the king.

"Lady Olivia seems to match his majesty really well"

"That's true, I didn't expect her to be involved in the meeting."

"She's very beautiful. I knew she was pretty, but I didn't know she was smart. The idea she gave me to improve my invention will really make it sell."

"That's true, I expected to just get approval on this patent, I didn't expect to get a better idea in the process. I've truly underestimated her."

"Lady Olivia's idea's are really innovative."

He naturally thought they were just exaggerating. He had also overheard the maids gossiping when they thought no one was listening.

" Lady Olivia has not left the side of the king the entire time she's been at the castle. It's so romantic. They hold hands everywhere. It's like they can't be apart for a moment."

"I heard the king is still looking for a tutor for her bridal training. Do you think she needs it?"

"I'm not sure. She spent the night in the king's chambers again. Did you help her dress this morning?"

"No, I didn't. I think his majesty helped her to dress. When she came out this morning the knots on her dress looked like they were not done properly."

She was sleeping with him even though they weren't married yet? She wasn't wearing her clothing properly!? He just knew the girl would make a fool out of his family! He was not happy. He really needed to have a word with his majesty about this girl and her impropriety.

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