4 The Truth of the Matter

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Olivia's body refused to obey her. Wait. This was a dream right? Everything felt so real, but that just meant it was a lucid dream. Right? King Adarian chuckled. Her body looked up at him. When she did she realized once again just how hot this guy was. Her body must have agreed with her, because what came out of her mouth was, "So handsome."

He looked at her with a haziness gathering in his eyes. He leaned in and kissed her right next to her lips. From what everyone around her could see, it looked like he had kissed her lips. She looked at him confused. 'Did he just kiss me? I must be hallucinating. This is an effect of being drugged right?'

"You seduced me," King Adarian said huskily. "You would do this even in front of your fiance?" He looked pointedly in a direction while she remained held in his lap. She followed his gaze. There stood a man who; though not as hot as the king; was still very gorgeous.

This man stood there looking at her accusingly. 'Oscar!' She heard the voice in her head again. 'He's come... He can save us. He looks shiny. Issz the king sshiney?' She turned back to the king a little fast. And her body swayed.

This was bad. The voice in her head was muddled. Olivia wanted to take the wheel on this dream and end it as soon as possible. She could feel the heat from the man's body. Not to mention he was gorgeous. And he was holding onto her, keeping her in his lap. Did she dream this because she was frustrated?

Olivia felt her body grow heavy. Suddenly she was immersed in darkness. Had she just fainted?



Olivia woke to someone removing her clothes. She tried to push them away, but her limbs were so heavy. No wait! She couldn't move. She was paralyzed! What was happening!?

"There, there," Olivia heard the gentle tone saying to her. Her world went dark again.



Have you ever had a dream within a dream? This was what was happening right now. In the original, Olivia was supposed to be the bad sister. As a reader she hated Olivia Praxis. It was the classic story of raising a snake in the grass. But now Olivia Praxis's life was playing out before her like a dream.

After entering the Praxis household at age 8 Olivia had tried to fix Graciella's diet. She had asked the kitchen to help her put more vegetables in her new sister's food. She was treated just like a second daughter to the Praxis family, so she thought she could help Graciella get better. But somehow the vegetables were rotten when they came to Graciella's room. Olivia was then told by Marquis Praxis and his wife that she was not to try and fix their daughter's diet again. Olivia was no longer treated with affection like she had been, but they gave her a lot of money to spend, and many gifts. They spoiled her if you just looked at the spending.

When Olivia turned 10, Marquise Praxis needed to set up an engagement with one of his daughters for political reasons. If he could join his family to the Caliban name, then his family name would be attached to the king. Graciella was not happy with this union. She was the daughter of the Praxis family. This stray cat that their family had taken in should not be able to reap the benefits of the Praxis daily name! Graciella decided to tame Olivia. Olivia needed to learn her place, like the maids before her had done. She would make sure the girl knew what would happen if she stepped out of line. The day Olivia was to meet Oscar for the first time, Graciella called Olivia to her quarters. There she had a maid take a drug. The maid went crazy and started trying to hit everything. She scratched one of the other maids faces pretty badly. The maid who was hurt was scared and ran from Graciella's quarters as Graciella's innocent laughter filled the room. Three other maids held back the crazed maid and knocked her out.

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