20 Bring your Olivia to Work Day

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Olivia couldn't sleep. She knew it wouldn't change anymore, but she still wanted to check the diary. It was right under her, but she couldn't risk it just yet. She understood he had already read it, but it still felt like an invasion of privacy for her to show it to Adarian. She lay stiffly on her back. She could hear him breathing and was too conscious of him being in the same bed. She turned her back to him, but then thought how vulnerable that made her. She couldn't see if he were to move.

She knew he wouldn't do anything, but for a split second his face when she walked out of the bathing room popped into her head. His eyes looked like he wanted to light her on fire. She sighed and turned to face him. It was better to face whatever made her insecure.

He was already facing her. His eyes were shining from the moonlight pouring in the window. Startled, she sat up. The moonlight showed through her clothes outlining her body.

Adarian quickly grabbed the blankets and tackled her with them. He looked at her with a strained face, "don't move." He had heard her toss and turn and her breathing. He didn't expect her presence in his bed to bother him that much. It didn't bother him that first night. But... after seeing her in that night dress earlier he didn't know how he was going to pass this night not thinking about it. And now she sat up in the moonlight like that igniting his imagination once more.

After he covered her with the blanket, he rolled back to his side. His voice went deep and horse, "Sleep now. Don't move anymore."

She stayed still this time unable to move a muscle. As she lay there not moving, she fell asleep. He listened to her breathing deepen and relax. 'Finally!' He thought. He had a hard time calming down his body with the outline of hers in his head, but listening to her breathe he was able to calm down. Now he was able to rest. He closed his eyes and slept.



The next morning Olivia was shaken awake by Adarian. In the night at some point she had clung onto the pillows, getting very close to him. His heart had almost jumped out of his chest. He didn't sleep well at all, and seeing her peaceful sleeping face annoyed him. Now he would have a busy day, and she had caused him to lose sleep.

She didn't know he had put off his work for the evening to get to know her better. He was also in the middle of planning their upcoming wedding. So he had to double down and work hard today. He still hadn't hired a bridal training teacher for Olivia, and he needed one who could also give her royal training. But now he knew he couldn't hire someone right away either. Olivia knew nothing of the world. Literally nothing. She wasn't even from this world. She would have to learn quickly, and he would need someone he could trust to teach her.

He had to think of it while working today. The sooner he hired someone to teach her, then the sooner they could actually be married. There were some traditions that she needed to learn, and she needed to learn some history. She had said her world was futuristic. Did she know the history of her old world? He wondered what she meant. Were there things that she knew that the people here didn't know? She was embarrassed to hold hands, but didn't seem embarrassed at all when she had walked out of the Bathing room half dressed.

"Time to get up," he said. He had gotten his clothes ready and had disappeared into the wardrobe. He brought out a dress. It was one of her simple looking day dresses. "Wear this one for now."

"Good morning, Olivia said as she rubbed her eyes. She seemed to remember something and started to look around.

Olivia lost her robe somewhere and was looking for it. She was sure she had laid it on the foot of the bed, when she had gone to bed last night. Now it wasn't there.

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