Deaths of Tom Hanson and Doug Penhall: The McQuaid Brothers

Start from the beginning

The phone rang which made my heart leap out of my chest. If it was Tom or Doug, I was preparing a speech about how they scared me half to death. My eyes darted straight to the caller ID, and Hoffs, J. was flashing on the little screen. I could physically feel my heart drop to my stomach. I exhaled softly before I answered.

I didn't need to say anything, because Judy knew. She asked, "are you okay?"

"I really thought they were going to answer." My halfhearted laugh turned into a choked back sob. I put the back of my wrist into my mouth to avoid gasping for air, while my tears slid down my cheeks.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"How did you find out?" I asked before I cleared my throat. I still was in shock over the fact that they were so close to home for the past five years.

"Fuller called me. He's calling Ioki now, I thought it would be better for you if this came from me."

I sniffed. "Thank you."

"Tom's family thinks it will be best if we do a joint funeral for the guys on Saturday. It's what they would have wanted. Can you make it?"

"Yes, I can. Anything for them. Do you guys want me to do anything?"

"No, that's all right. I just want you to take care of yourself, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you."

"Of course. I will see you this weekend, okay?"


"Love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

I hung up and the receiver slipped out of my hand and onto my lap. I put my damp face in my hands and sat like that for a long moment. I could feel my body shaking while trying to hold back the pain I had coursing through my body. I could not believe that two of the most beautiful souls in this heartless world were taken away.

I haven't lived in Metropolis for years, but I have visited frequently. The only family that has ever shown me love lives in Metropolis. I know that Metropolis is a big city, but Tom knew I always came back either to be with the team or even to be with his family. I began to wonder how many times he saw me but couldn't say anything. How many times he was so close to me, but I had no idea. How many times he wanted to surprise me, to hug me, to kiss me again. Now, I will never know.

I brought my hand up to my heart necklace that Tom gave me so many years ago. It's my favorite piece of jewelry, and it became even more special to me. The metal was thick between my fingers, and I felt a ridge against the side that I somehow never noticed before. I quickly took the necklace off and examined it closely through my tear filled eyes. I suddenly realized that it had hinges. I found a little catch for a lock which I squeezed, and found that it was a locket. There was a little photo of us in it, from many years ago. I brought my hand up to my mouth, shocked that I was unaware of this part of the gift for so long. I delicately took the photo out, and saw written on the back in cursive, "Tom and Mick, 1988". Time was forever frozen in that photograph. I put the photo back in the locket and closed it and put it back around my neck. I couldn't believe after all these years, he was next to my heartbeat. Where he belongs.

I could feel the walls of my room closing in on me as I processed the information about the fate of two of the most important people in my life. The lights grew dim, and I felt any sense of hope leave my heart.

I quickly packed a suitcase, and left for the airport to get the first ticket back to Metropolis.


The worst feeling was waking up knowing I was going to say goodbye to one of my closest friends and the love of my life for the last time. I didn't want to say goodbye, because this one meant forever. I did not feel like I was at the funeral mentally. I isolated myself, giving each casket a rose and a note of everything I wish I could tell them. I had an emptiness in my chest, and all I wished was just five more minutes with them.

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